리브레 위키:연습장

Isaac914 (토론 | 기여)님의 2015년 7월 7일 (화) 19:41 판

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당시 그의 어머니는 여러 화가들이 그릴 정도로 미인으로 이름을 날렸다. 조각상도 제작되었다! Sir Christopher Lee interview: 'I’m softer than people think'"I was attached to the SAS from time to time but we are forbidden – former, present, or future – to discuss any specific operations. Let's just say I was in Special Forces and leave it at that. People can read in to that what they like." The Total Film Interview - Christopher Lee "I was around a long time – nearly ten years. Initially, I was told I was too tall to be an actor. That's a quite fatuous remark to make. It's like saying you're too short to play the piano. I thought, "Right, I'll show you..." At the beginning I didn't know anything about the technique of working in front of a camera, but during those 10 years, I did the one thing that's so vitally important today – I watched, I listened and I learned. So when the time came I was ready... Oddly enough, to play a character who said nothing." Landis, John (2011). Monsters in the Movies: 100 Years of Cinematic Nightmares. Dorling Kindersley. p. 45. ISBN 978-1-4053-6697-7. 영문 위키백과에서 재인용 후 번역. "The process went like this: The telephone would ring and my agent would say, "Jimmy Carreras [President of Hammer Films] has been on the phone, they've got another Dracula for you." And I would say, "Forget it! I don't want to do another one." I'd get a call from Jimmy Carreras, in a state of hysteria. "What's all this about?!" "Jim, I don't want to do it, and I don't have to do it." "No, you have to do it!" And I said, "Why?" He replied, "Because I've already sold it to the American distributor with you playing the part. Think of all the people you know so well, that you will put out of work!" Emotional blackmail. That's the only reason I did them" Davies, David Stuart. Holmes of the Movies: The Screen Career of Sherlock Holmes. Bramhall House, 영문 위키백과에서 재인용 후 번역. "I think it was a pity, this film, in more ways than one. We should never have made it in Germany with German actors, although we had a British art director and a British director. It was a hodge podge of stories put together by the German producers, who ruined it. My portrayal of Holmes is, I think, one of the best things I've ever done because I tried to play him really as he was written, as a very intolerant, argumentative, difficult man, and I looked extraordinarily like him with the make-up. Everyone who's seen it said I was as like Holmes as any actor they've ever seen both in appearance and interpretation." I've never been typcast since Farndale, Nigel (2011년 2월 12일). "Sir Christopher Lee interview". 런던: The Telegraph. "I had no idea that was what it was when I agreed to the role. I was told it was about the Marquis de Sade. I flew out to Spain for one day's work playing the part of a narrator. I had to wear a crimson dinner jacket. There were lots of people behind me. They all had their clothes on. There didn't seem to be anything peculiar or strange. A friend said: 'Do you know you are in a film in Old Compton Street?' In those days that was where the mackintosh brigade watched their films. 'Very funny,' I said. So I crept along there heavily disguised in dark glasses and scarf, and found the cinema and there was my name. I was furious! There was a huge row. When I had left Spain that day everyone behind me had taken their clothes off!" "The Total Film Interview – Christopher Lee". Total Film. 1 May 2005. Archived from the original on 2007-06-12. Retrieved 25 August 2013. " In Fleming’s novel he’s just a West Indian thug, but in the film he’s charming, elegant, amusing, lethal… I played him like the dark side of Bond." Sir Christopher Lee interview: 'I’m softer than people think', Nigel Farndale, The Telegraph, 2015년 6월 11일, “The same happened to Peter and Vincent. They made some wonderful serious movies but are only known for horror. That was why I went to America. I couldn’t see anything happening here except a continuation of what had gone before. A couple of friends, Dick Widmark and Billy Wilder, told me I had to get away from London otherwise I would always be typecast.” 혹시 정발명이 있다면 바꾸어주세요 로튼 토마토 기준으로 로튼 지수가 36%이다. The Resident - Review, The Guardian, "superbly sinister" Johnny Depp Retirement Saddens Christopher Lee, Liberty Voice. "There are frustrations – people who lie to you, people who don't know what they are doing, films that don't turn out the way you had wanted them to – so, yes, I do understand [why Depp would consider retiring]. I always ask myself "well, what else could I do?". Making films has never just been a job to me, it is my life. I have some interests outside of acting – I sing and I've written books, for instance – but acting is what keeps me going, it's what I do, it gives life purpose... I'm realistic about the amount of work I can get at my age, but I take what I can, even voice-overs and narration."