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프랑스의 지정학 접근법 French approach on geopolitics[편집 | 원본 편집]

프랑스의 지정학 학설들은 대체로 독일의 지정학(Geopolitik)과 반대되는 위치에 있으며, 고정된 지리라는 개념을 거부한다. 프랑스 지정학은 인간 활동으로 인해 일어나는 다형적인 영역들의 발전에 집중한다. 또한 개별 사건보다 장기적인 관점에 초점을 맞춘다. 라코스테 교수는 이 방법론을 세 원칙으로 정리하여 이론화하였다. 사회적 대표성을 고려할 것(Social representation), 통시적으로 생각할 것(Diachronie), 지리를 고려할 것(Diatopie)이 바로 그것이다.

French geopolitical doctrines lie broadly in opposition to German Geopolitik and reject the idea of a fixed geography. French geography is focused on the evolution of polymorphic territories being the result of mankind's actions. It also relies on the consideration of long time periods through a refusal to take specific events into account. This method has been theorized by Professor Lacoste according to three principles: Representation; Diachronie; and Diatopie.

"법의 정신"에서 몽테스키외는 인간과 사회가 기후에 영향을 받는다는 견해를 제시하였다. 그는 더운 기후는 급한 성격을 가진 사람들을 만들고 서늘한 기후는 냉정한 사람들을 만들며, 프랑스와 같은 온화한 기후는 정치 체계의 발전에 이상적이라고 보았다. 프랑스 지정학의 아버지로 꼽히는 Élisée Reclus는 현대 지정학의 교과서와 같은 역할을 하는 책 Nouvelle Géographie universelle의 저자이다. Reclus는 Ratzel처럼 지리를 전지구적 관점에서 고찰한다. 그러나 Ratzel의 인식과는 정반대로 Reclus는 지리가 불변하지 않는다고 인식한다. 지리는 인간 사회의 변화에 상응하여 진화하는 것으로 간주된다. 그의 비주류적인 정치적 관점으로 인해 학계는 그를 거부했다.

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu outlined the view that man and societies are influenced by climate. He believed that hotter climates create hot-tempered people and colder climates aloof people, whereas the mild climate of France is ideal for political systems. Considered as one of the founders of French geopolitics, Élisée Reclus, is the author of a book considered as a reference in modern geography (Nouvelle Géographie universelle). Alike Ratzel, he considers geography through a global vision. However, in complete opposition to Ratzel's vision, Reclus considers geography not to be unchanging; it is supposed to evolve commensurately to the development of human society. His marginal political views resulted in his rejection by academia.

프랑스 출신 지리학자이자 지정학자인 Jacques Ancel은 프랑스 최초의 지정학 이론가로 평가받는다. 그는 카네기 재단에서 특기할 만한 강의를 하였으며 1936년에는 Géopolitique"를 저술하였다. Reclus와 마찬가지로 Ancel은 (Haushofer의 원칙Haushofer's doctrines들을 포함한) 독일 지정학의 결정론적 관점을 거부했다.

French geographer and geopolitician Jacques Ancel is considered to be the first theoretician of geopolitics in France, and gave a notable series of lectures at the Carnegie foundation and published "Géopolitique" in 1936. Like Reclus, Ancel rejects German determinist views on geopolitics (including Haushofer's doctrines).

Braudel의 넓은 관점은 타 사회과학 분야의 통찰을 빌려와 "longue durée"라는 개념을 활용하며 개별 사건의 중요성을 낮게 보았다. 이 방법은 프랑스 지리학자 Paul Vidal de la Blache에게서 영감을 얻은 것이었다 (Blache는 다시 독일 사상에 영향을 받았다. 특히 독일에서 직접 만난 Friedrich Ratzel의 영향을 짙게 받았다.). Braudel의 방법론은 개인들과 환경 사이의 상호의존성을 분석하는 것이었다.[1]Vidalian 지정학은 환경결정론 대신 다양한 형태의 지도학과 환경가능론(지리학에 대한 사회론적 접근, 즉 인류, 문화, 개념 등의 여러 요소들로 구성된 공간의 다형성 법칙(principle of spaces polymorphic faces)[2]에 근거한) 에 기반한다.

Braudel's broad view used insights from other social sciences, employed the concept of the longue durée, and downplayed the importance of specific events. This method was inspired by the French geographer Paul Vidal de la Blache (who in turn was influenced by German thought, particularly that of Friedrich Ratzel whom he had met in Germany). Braudel's method was to analyse the interdependence between individuals and their environment.[3] Vidalian geopolitics is based on varied forms of cartography and on possibilism (founded on a societal approach of geography—i.e. on the principle of spaces polymorphic faces depending from many factors among them mankind, culture, and ideas) as opposed to determinism.

Due to the influence of German Geopolitik on French geopolitics, the latter were for a long time banished from academic works. In the mid-1970s, Yves Lacoste—a French geographer who was directly inspired by Ancel, Braudel and Vidal de la Blache—wrote La géographie, ça sert d'abord à faire la guerre (Geography first use is war)in 1976. This book—which is very famous in France—symbolizes the birth of this new school of geopolitics (if not so far the first French school of geopolitics as Ancel was very isolated in the 1930s–40s). Initially linked with communist party evolved to a less liberal approach. At the end of the 1980s he founded the Institut Français de Géopolitique (French Institute for Geopolitics) that publishes the Hérodote revue. While rejecting the generalizations and broad abstractions employed by the German and Anglo-American traditions (and the new geographers), this school does focus on spatial dimension of geopolitics affairs on different levels of analysis. This approach emphazises the importance of multi-level (or multi-scales) analysis and maps at the opposite of critical geopolitics which avoid such tools. Lacoste proposed that every conflict (both local or global) can be considered from a perspective grounded in three assumptions:

  1. Representation: Each group or individuals is the product of an education and is characterized by specific representations of the world or others groups or individuals. Thus, basic societal beliefs are grounded in their ethnicity or specific location. The study of representation is a common point with the more contemporary critical geopolitics. Both are connected with the work of Henri Lefebvre (La production de l'espace, first published in 1974)
  2. Diachronie. Conducting an historical analysis confronting "long periods" and short periods as the prominent French historian Fernand Braudel suggested.
  3. Diatopie: Conducting a cartographic survey through a multiscale mapping.

Connected with this stream, and former member of Hérodote editorial board, the French geographer Michel Foucher developed a long term analysis of international borders. He coined various neologism among them: Horogenesis: Neologism that describes the concept of studying the birth of borders, Dyade: border shared by two neighbouring states (for instance US territory has two terrestrial dyades : one with Canada and one with Mexico). The main book of this searcher "Fronts et frontières" (Fronts and borders) first published in 1991, without equivalent remains as of yet untranslated in English. Michel Foucher is an expert of the African Union for borders affairs.

More or less connected with this school, Stéphane Rosière can be quoted as the editor in Chief of the online journal L'Espace politique [1], this journal created in 2007 became the most prominent French journal of political geography and Geopolitics with Hérodote.

A much more conservative stream is personified by François Thual was a French expert in geopolitics, and a former official of the Ministry of Civil Defence. Thual taught geopolitics of the religions at the French War College, and has written thirty books devoted mainly to geopolitical method and its application to various parts of the world. He is particularly interested in the Orthodox, Shiite, and Buddhist religions, and in troubled regions like the Caucasus. Connected with F. Thual, Aymeric Chauprade, former professor of geopolitics at the French War College and now member of the extreme-right party "Front national", subscribes to a supposed "new" French school of geopolitics which advocates above all a return to realpolitik and "clash of civilization" (Huntington). The thought of this school is expressed through the French Review of Geopolitics (headed by Chauprade) and the International Academy of Geopolitics. Chauprade is a supporter of a Europe of nations, he advocates a European Union excluding Turkey, and a policy of compromise with Russia (in the frame of a Eurasian alliance which is en vogue among European extreme-right politists) and supports the idea of a multipolar world—including a balanced relationship between China and the U.S.

러시아의 지정학[편집 | 원본 편집]

러시아 지정학의 역사는 먼저 988년 키예프의 블라드미르 대공이 아내와 함께 그리스 정교회를 받아들인 것으로 시작되었다. 이때 블라드미르 대공은 인접한 비잔틴에서 정교회를 받아들였고, 이 정교회를 정착시키기 위해 러시아인들을 단체로 드네프르 강에서 세례 받게 하였다. 이후 1240년 전후로 러시아정교회는 교황청으로부터 로마교황청의 교리에 따르라는 지시를 받는다. 당연히 러시아 정교회는 이를 거부하였고, 교황은 십자군을 파견한다. 이때 처음 온 십자군이 발트 기사단이다. 그러나 노브고르드 대공 알렉산드르 네브스키가 뛰어난 지휘력으로 이들을 네바강에서 씹어먹었고, 이후 교황의 명령에 1242년 튜튼기사단이 침공하지만 네브스키가 이 또한 페이프스 호수 근처에서 격퇴하였다. 이후 1380년 디미트리 돈스코이는 세르게우스에게 축복을 받고, 쿨리코보 전투에서 킵차크 한국을 격퇴하였다. 이후 100년이 지난 1480년 킵차크한국의 러시아 지배는 종식되었다.

러시아 정교회가 10세기 정착되어 주변의 위협과 몽골의 지배를 종식시켜나가면서 점차 러시아인들의 중심적인 의견을 형성하였다. 이에 15세기 무렵 프스코브 수도원의 한 수도승인 성 엘리아자로브스코보(Елиазаровского)가 모스크바가 제3로마라는 말을 하였는데, 이를 러시아 최초의 지정학적 발언으로 여긴다.

그러나 지정학이라는 말이 등장한 것은 1920년대 유라시아주의(에브라지스트보 Еврази́йство, Eurasianism)[4]에서 시작되었다. 1920년대 말 등장한 이 사상은 소련 최초의 지정학이라 불린다. 그러나 이 지정학은 러시아 주변으로의 팽창을 주로 이야기했다.

이후 소련은 사회주의가 퍼져가는 것과 동시에 소련의 영향력이 팽창했다. 대표적인 예가 몽골인민공화국과 탄누투바 그리고 길림의 중국 공산당이 있었다. 그러나 이러한 소련의 팽창은 그렇게 효과적이지 않았다.

이후 소련은 몰로토프-리벤드로프 조약을 통해 동유럽을 나치 독일과 공유하였다.

동시에 소련의 영향력이 소련의 영토 주변원형으로 퍼져나가는 것에 동의하였다. 소련은 과거 베사라비아, 발틱해안 국가, 우크라이나 벨라루시 동폴란드, 부토비나 등을 병합했다. 그러나 핀란드의 가장 큰 저항을 맞게되었다. 2차 세계대전 동안 그리고 그 이후 소련은 드라마틱하게 전세계에 급격한 영향력을 행사하게되었다. 먼저 동프러시아, 북핀란드, 트란스카르파티아 남 사할린, 쿠릴, 탄투투바를 등을 소련의 위성국화시켰다.

소련의 원형으로 퍼져나간 영향력은 중국 동투르케스탄과 만추리아 그리고 북이란 동 오스트리아 일본으 훗카이도까지 장악하였다. 그러나 남유럽에서 불가리아와, 유고슬로비아, 알바니아, 루마니아, 그리스에 “조그만 소련” 공산주의 국가를 만드는데 실패하였다. (->2차 세계대전 이후 소련의 영향력이 확대되는 것을 설명하고 있으며, 발칸반도에서 유고연방이 티토화되고, 그리스와 터키에서 공산혁명이 실패한 것을 이야기하고 있습니다.)

20세기 중반 소련은 미국과 함께 양대 슈퍼파워로 군림하였다. 소련은 또한

In the second half of the 20th century, the USSR was one of the two superpowers, along with the United States. He also led the second most powerful military-political blocs ATS and reached a balance of forces with the US and NATO military-strategic parity. Without declaring openly about detailed geopolitical concepts besides parity and "containment American hegemony and neo-colonialism", in fact the USSR shared geopolitical control of the planet, acting in the political, military (including naval), economic, scientific and sports fields. The USSR had the largest military-industrial complex and the armed forces, which indirectly involved in including in conflict with the United States in local wars. Like the American School, the Soviet geopolitics widely employ the concept of opposing the "world capitalism" and "socialism of the world." Although the military-political Soviet bloc ("world socialist system") moved socialist Yugoslavia, Albania and China gaining power, the Soviet Union as a whole has continued to strengthen its influence in the world, actively and, in most cases successfully supporting not only allies in the ATS, but several tens of socialist orientation, as well as national liberation movement.

Soviet specialist on Russian geopolitics was Professor Alexei L. Narochnitsky, he studied Russian geopolitics of the 19th century, on the subject of his pen out scientific and documentary historical works. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, his political successor to the Russian, having previous loss (relative to the USSR) positions in the international arena, the small size of GDP (in the second half of the world's top ten), backwardness in science, a significant reduction of strategic nuclear forces, high population poverty and corruption, outdated infrastructure, system of internal economic crisis and difficult demographic situation, still recovering recognized potential superpower. Russia has achieved full membership in the Group of Eight (G8), and formed with other emerging powers BRIC community. Russian leaders and politicians are actively advocate the idea of rejection of a unipolar world and the United States as the sole superpower, and expressed the need to establish a multipolar world with ever-increasing roles of potential superpowers and regional powers and organizations. This agrees with Russia and China, which is actually closer to superpower status.

In the 90-ies. Geopolitical Studies held senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, RAS Russian Vadim Tsymbursky, who coined the term "island-Russia", also known as the Great concept Limitrophe.

Outstanding prominent Russian geopolitics beginning of the 21st century is Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov retired, he headed the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, which deals with the analysis of the international situation and the situation in the country, experts develop its geopolitical doctrine. Earlier, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov headed the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation, in this capacity, he firmly and fundamentally defend the national interests of Russia, opposing NATO's eastward expansion, against the aggressive foreign policy of the United States and the West in general and against the construction of a unipolar world, to time for his shoulders were already studying at the Military Academy in the Military Academy and impeccable service in a motorized infantry troops in various command positions. Construction of a unipolar world, which is dominated by the West, contrary to the national interests of the Russian Federation, and the further expansion of NATO threatens Russia's national security.

In recent years, Russia is actively developing new schools and directions geopolitics. Fellow at the Center for Defense Studies RISS Vladimir Karjakin based on innovative approaches and new challenges proposed the term "geopolitics of the third wave." [5] This interdisciplinary approach is based on the principles of synergy, postnonclassical science in the context of socio-political dynamics and strategies of indirect actions.


  1. Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II La part du milieu (vol. 1) ISBN 2-253-06168-9
  2. 이 부분만은 번역 불가입니다 ㅠ
  3. Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II La part du milieu (vol. 1) ISBN 2-253-06168-9
  4. 유라시아주의란 비유럽과 러시아 정교회를 주축으로 유라시아에 러시아 문명을 재구축하는 것을 주장하는 민족주의 사상이다.
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