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2016년 10월 9일 (일) 13:21: 붕붕 (토론 | 기여)님이 DEADBOLT의 카세트 테이프에서 "edit" 동작을 수행하여 필터 0이(가) 작동했습니다. 조치: 태그; 필터 설명: (검사)

편집에서 바뀐 내용

[[분류: DEADBOLT]]

* 상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]]
[[인디 게임]] [[DEADBOLT]]의 카세트 테이프 내용을 모아둔 항목이다.
=== ZOMBIE #1 ===
I wake up. Cold water. Docks again. Splinters in my hand. Where am I? Roland's here. He helps.
He says we leave. He says we don't have to come back to the docks again. He gives me a hit.
Good hit. I feel it in my tongue and my throat and my hands and my feet and my ears and<br/>
I wake up. How much time? Thumping in my ear. Music. I look down, and there's splinters in my
hand. Roland's gone. I die again. I overdose again.<br/>
I wake up. Hands wet. Feet wet. Docks again? I'm in living room. I need more ash. Roland? I
hear the music again. I hear yelling. The room fills up with cold water. I splinter and we all
overdose again.
I wake up. Knocking at the door. Roland?}}
일반 좀비에게서 나온다.
=== ZOMBIE #2 ===
Only ash helps. Ash brings a bit of Jacob back to me. What happened to Jacob? I remember. He
died. he overdosed. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth. Talking is hard. Thinking is hard. Did
Jacob pay rent? I shift the shotgun in my hand. Standing is hard. Roland? Roland says we
shouldn't smoke the ash. He says we need it. He says we can leave soon.<br/>
I hear scuttling. i fire my gun and splatter Jacob against the wall. Thought it was the reaper
- I'm sorry Jacob. Thick somke fills the room and Jacob's red and yellow and green corpse is
gone. Where's Jacob? I want to be Jacob again.}}
샷건을 든 좀비에게서 나온다.
=== ZOMBIE #3 ===
'Any day now', he says. 'The Dredged have a PLAN! Oh, what is the plan? Sorry, can't tell you.
Keep feeding your boys to the reaper though and just sit on the ash.' I hope this is worth it
- we're moving huge amounts of ash around, and we're losing members left and right to the reaper.<br/>
Dark and stormy said that the ash can be used for more than getting high - but man, was it
HARD to convince the boys. I just wanna get everyone to a place where we don't need the high
anymore - somewhere where we feel more... alive. We all feelin' like shit here. The boys don't
know it, but on the day we lost Stephen I took a bump too. We all did. But I'm trying to be
stronger - it's not working yet, but I'm trying to be stronger. They need a leader.<br/>
I hear shifting in my bed - somethin' woke her up. My phone is ringing - Puff? Man, Puff is
always calling me for dumb shit - he gets spooked by everything. Amber speaks up, her voice
piercing the silence: 'Babe, can you turn that off?' I reply with a whisper, 'Yeah, sorry Am,
it's just Puff again. Always callin' me.' I lock the phone and toss it across the dark room. I
look back at her pale form - at least there's SOME benefits from working with the vampires.
Still, they give me the creeps. I can't wait until this is over. Any day now.}}
롤랜드에게서 나온다.
=== Vampire #1 ===
It's night time. but it's always night time here. The moon never shines anymore - not like the
night I met him. Not like the night we went home. Not like my last life.<br/>
The bartender knows me; I've been coming here for weeks, since the day the Bloody Mary
opened. Clubs ony las a few weeks at best around here; no one really knows why. A man at
the bar buys me a drink - it glows like moonlight. I take a sip and I feel the warth. I shift
from one leg to the other. I don't feel like dancing tonight.<br/>
I take another sip - it's a lot more bitter than I expect. The man at the bar buys me another
drink. He scans me, gaze lingering... oh, right. I almost forgot that this is how I died last time.
His hands burn where they touch. Let me forget - please make me forget!}}
서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다.
=== Vampire #2 ===
We pull up to another club - the musci is still playing, but no voices come out. The music,
pounds in my skull - I'll turn it off as soon as I get inside. 'Another successful harvest,' she
wound say. Madam Stela says that the ash will help us leave this place, but almost nobody
knows that the ash is made from people - from the skeletons and their strange magic.<br/>
The workers pile out of the car. They've been blinded, so they can't see what happened. One
by one, they pile into the club with their shovels and bags and start harvesting the frozen
bodies. I promised not to tell. The Stelas' would kill me if I did - last week Logan blabbed to
his girls during pillow talk. Big mistake. He's ash now.<br/>
We've all been betrayed before - that's why we're here. What's one more? I just want to
secure my trip to hell, one way or another. Can you blame me?}}
서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다.
=== Vampire #3 ===
마담 스텔라에게서 나온다.
=== SKELETON 1 ===
Cold. It's so bitterly cold. In the darkness of my patrol, lights dancing across the waves, the
cold bit at my exposed bones. I pry every step off of the pavement - the humidity near the
docks freeze my feet to the ground. I can hear Ibzan in the other rooom - still telling the
shamans about the land of warmth and the ash and the portal and blahblahblah. I'm starting
to think it's bullshit - but we are all so cold. The idea of a warmer place is so inviting.
'More flesh,' he'd say. 'We need more for the portal; it is so clse my brothers! We will soon be
embraced bt his Warmth, for he loves every one of us!'<br/>
It's so cruel, isn't it? I wanted to die.. And I still do - but I can't. I have no brain to destroy
or nerves to sever. The Generals reassemble me as soon as I rip myself apart - and why is it
so GODDAMN cold?}}
그런트, 서전트에게서 나온다.
=== SKELETON 2 ===
Another one. Thank god, another dead one.<br/>
It starts as a dull chill, originating from my right shoulder. THe feeling grows toward my
hands, skin tight against the bone. The feeling grows more, a searing hot pain in contrast to
the frigid air.<br/>
Suddenly, the cold exits in a brilliant blue flash from my fingertips - and Albina is
reconstructed where she last died. Miraculously, the cold subsides for a moment; what a relief.
God, what warmth! I know Albina didn't WANT to be reconstructed - she shoots daggers from
empty sockets - but the cold was too much to bear. I almost feel sorry and begin to - oh, is
that anoter body?}}
제너럴에게서 나온다.
=== SKELETON 3 ===
=== DEMON 1 ===
Splish, splash. The dinghy rocks - we fit fifteen in a boat meant more for two. Splish, splash.<br/>
We hit an old post in the dark - and Goroduth careens over the edge into the cold dark
depths below. We gotta leave him behind - he's Charon's now. Splish, splash.<br/>
Aulk pulls the dinght up to the shore. Charon can't see us here so far from the docks. She
lets out a sigh of relief. We all clamber over the edge. boat swaying as it's relieved of demons
and ammunition and weaponry. The cold sand is inviting. While none of us would admit it, we were
terrified of the deadly dark of the Styx - and of Charon. We've all heard the songs in the
birthing chambers... wait, you haven't? Seriously?<br/>
'Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>
Charon's comin', swim real slow.<br/>
Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>
Mama's not watching, she doesn't know.<br/>
Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>
Always remember that we drown slow.'<br/>
Somethin' like that.}}
일반 데몬에게서 나온다.
=== ??? ===

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'DEADBOLT의 카세트 테이프'
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'DEADBOLT의 카세트 테이프'
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편집 요약/이유 (summary)
사소한 편집으로 표시할지의 여부 (더 이상 쓰이지 않음) (minor_edit)
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편집 후 새 문서의 위키텍스트 (new_wikitext)
'[[분류: DEADBOLT]] * 상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]] [[인디 게임]] [[DEADBOLT]]의 카세트 테이프 내용을 모아둔 항목이다. {{스포일러}} === ZOMBIE #1 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/><br/> I wake up. Cold water. Docks again. Splinters in my hand. Where am I? Roland's here. He helps. He says we leave. He says we don't have to come back to the docks again. He gives me a hit. Good hit. I feel it in my tongue and my throat and my hands and my feet and my ears and<br/> <br/> I wake up. How much time? Thumping in my ear. Music. I look down, and there's splinters in my hand. Roland's gone. I die again. I overdose again.<br/> <br/> I wake up. Hands wet. Feet wet. Docks again? I'm in living room. I need more ash. Roland? I hear the music again. I hear yelling. The room fills up with cold water. I splinter and we all overdose again. I wake up. Knocking at the door. Roland?}} 일반 좀비에게서 나온다. === ZOMBIE #2 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> Only ash helps. Ash brings a bit of Jacob back to me. What happened to Jacob? I remember. He died. he overdosed. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth. Talking is hard. Thinking is hard. Did Jacob pay rent? I shift the shotgun in my hand. Standing is hard. Roland? Roland says we shouldn't smoke the ash. He says we need it. He says we can leave soon.<br/> <br/> I hear scuttling. i fire my gun and splatter Jacob against the wall. Thought it was the reaper - I'm sorry Jacob. Thick somke fills the room and Jacob's red and yellow and green corpse is gone. Where's Jacob? I want to be Jacob again.}} 샷건을 든 좀비에게서 나온다. === ZOMBIE #3 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> 'Any day now', he says. 'The Dredged have a PLAN! Oh, what is the plan? Sorry, can't tell you. Keep feeding your boys to the reaper though and just sit on the ash.' I hope this is worth it - we're moving huge amounts of ash around, and we're losing members left and right to the reaper.<br/> <br/> Dark and stormy said that the ash can be used for more than getting high - but man, was it HARD to convince the boys. I just wanna get everyone to a place where we don't need the high anymore - somewhere where we feel more... alive. We all feelin' like shit here. The boys don't know it, but on the day we lost Stephen I took a bump too. We all did. But I'm trying to be stronger - it's not working yet, but I'm trying to be stronger. They need a leader.<br/> <br/> I hear shifting in my bed - somethin' woke her up. My phone is ringing - Puff? Man, Puff is always calling me for dumb shit - he gets spooked by everything. Amber speaks up, her voice piercing the silence: 'Babe, can you turn that off?' I reply with a whisper, 'Yeah, sorry Am, it's just Puff again. Always callin' me.' I lock the phone and toss it across the dark room. I look back at her pale form - at least there's SOME benefits from working with the vampires. Still, they give me the creeps. I can't wait until this is over. Any day now.}} 롤랜드에게서 나온다. === Vampire #1 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> It's night time. but it's always night time here. The moon never shines anymore - not like the night I met him. Not like the night we went home. Not like my last life.<br/> <br/> The bartender knows me; I've been coming here for weeks, since the day the Bloody Mary opened. Clubs ony las a few weeks at best around here; no one really knows why. A man at the bar buys me a drink - it glows like moonlight. I take a sip and I feel the warth. I shift from one leg to the other. I don't feel like dancing tonight.<br/> <br/> I take another sip - it's a lot more bitter than I expect. The man at the bar buys me another drink. He scans me, gaze lingering... oh, right. I almost forgot that this is how I died last time. His hands burn where they touch. Let me forget - please make me forget!}} 서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다. === Vampire #2 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> We pull up to another club - the musci is still playing, but no voices come out. The music, pounds in my skull - I'll turn it off as soon as I get inside. 'Another successful harvest,' she wound say. Madam Stela says that the ash will help us leave this place, but almost nobody knows that the ash is made from people - from the skeletons and their strange magic.<br/> <br/> The workers pile out of the car. They've been blinded, so they can't see what happened. One by one, they pile into the club with their shovels and bags and start harvesting the frozen bodies. I promised not to tell. The Stelas' would kill me if I did - last week Logan blabbed to his girls during pillow talk. Big mistake. He's ash now.<br/> <br/> We've all been betrayed before - that's why we're here. What's one more? I just want to secure my trip to hell, one way or another. Can you blame me?}} 서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다. === Vampire #3 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> ---}} 마담 스텔라에게서 나온다. === SKELETON 1 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> Cold. It's so bitterly cold. In the darkness of my patrol, lights dancing across the waves, the cold bit at my exposed bones. I pry every step off of the pavement - the humidity near the docks freeze my feet to the ground. I can hear Ibzan in the other rooom - still telling the shamans about the land of warmth and the ash and the portal and blahblahblah. I'm starting to think it's bullshit - but we are all so cold. The idea of a warmer place is so inviting. 'More flesh,' he'd say. 'We need more for the portal; it is so clse my brothers! We will soon be embraced bt his Warmth, for he loves every one of us!'<br/> <br/> It's so cruel, isn't it? I wanted to die.. And I still do - but I can't. I have no brain to destroy or nerves to sever. The Generals reassemble me as soon as I rip myself apart - and why is it so GODDAMN cold?}} 그런트, 서전트에게서 나온다. === SKELETON 2 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> Another one. Thank god, another dead one.<br/> It starts as a dull chill, originating from my right shoulder. THe feeling grows toward my hands, skin tight against the bone. The feeling grows more, a searing hot pain in contrast to the frigid air.<br/> <br/> Suddenly, the cold exits in a brilliant blue flash from my fingertips - and Albina is reconstructed where she last died. Miraculously, the cold subsides for a moment; what a relief. God, what warmth! I know Albina didn't WANT to be reconstructed - she shoots daggers from empty sockets - but the cold was too much to bear. I almost feel sorry and begin to - oh, is that anoter body?}} 제너럴에게서 나온다. === SKELETON 3 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> ---}} === DEMON 1 === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> Splish, splash. The dinghy rocks - we fit fifteen in a boat meant more for two. Splish, splash.<br/> We hit an old post in the dark - and Goroduth careens over the edge into the cold dark depths below. We gotta leave him behind - he's Charon's now. Splish, splash.<br/> <br/> Aulk pulls the dinght up to the shore. Charon can't see us here so far from the docks. She lets out a sigh of relief. We all clamber over the edge. boat swaying as it's relieved of demons and ammunition and weaponry. The cold sand is inviting. While none of us would admit it, we were terrified of the deadly dark of the Styx - and of Charon. We've all heard the songs in the birthing chambers... wait, you haven't? Seriously?<br/> <br/> 'Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> Charon's comin', swim real slow.<br/> <br/> Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> Mama's not watching, she doesn't know.<br/> <br/> Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> Always remember that we drown slow.'<br/> <br/> Somethin' like that.}} 일반 데몬에게서 나온다. === ??? === {{인용문|-click-<br/> <br/> <br/> ---}}'
편집 전후의 차이 (edit_diff)
'@@ -1 +1,184 @@ +[[분류: DEADBOLT]] +* 상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]] + +[[인디 게임]] [[DEADBOLT]]의 카세트 테이프 내용을 모아둔 항목이다. + +{{스포일러}} + +=== ZOMBIE #1 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/><br/> +I wake up. Cold water. Docks again. Splinters in my hand. Where am I? Roland's here. He helps. +He says we leave. He says we don't have to come back to the docks again. He gives me a hit. +Good hit. I feel it in my tongue and my throat and my hands and my feet and my ears and<br/> +<br/> +I wake up. How much time? Thumping in my ear. Music. I look down, and there's splinters in my +hand. Roland's gone. I die again. I overdose again.<br/> +<br/> +I wake up. Hands wet. Feet wet. Docks again? I'm in living room. I need more ash. Roland? I +hear the music again. I hear yelling. The room fills up with cold water. I splinter and we all +overdose again. + +I wake up. Knocking at the door. Roland?}} + +일반 좀비에게서 나온다. + +=== ZOMBIE #2 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +Only ash helps. Ash brings a bit of Jacob back to me. What happened to Jacob? I remember. He +died. he overdosed. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth. Talking is hard. Thinking is hard. Did +Jacob pay rent? I shift the shotgun in my hand. Standing is hard. Roland? Roland says we +shouldn't smoke the ash. He says we need it. He says we can leave soon.<br/> +<br/> +I hear scuttling. i fire my gun and splatter Jacob against the wall. Thought it was the reaper +- I'm sorry Jacob. Thick somke fills the room and Jacob's red and yellow and green corpse is +gone. Where's Jacob? I want to be Jacob again.}} + +샷건을 든 좀비에게서 나온다. + +=== ZOMBIE #3 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +'Any day now', he says. 'The Dredged have a PLAN! Oh, what is the plan? Sorry, can't tell you. +Keep feeding your boys to the reaper though and just sit on the ash.' I hope this is worth it +- we're moving huge amounts of ash around, and we're losing members left and right to the reaper.<br/> +<br/> +Dark and stormy said that the ash can be used for more than getting high - but man, was it +HARD to convince the boys. I just wanna get everyone to a place where we don't need the high +anymore - somewhere where we feel more... alive. We all feelin' like shit here. The boys don't +know it, but on the day we lost Stephen I took a bump too. We all did. But I'm trying to be +stronger - it's not working yet, but I'm trying to be stronger. They need a leader.<br/> +<br/> +I hear shifting in my bed - somethin' woke her up. My phone is ringing - Puff? Man, Puff is +always calling me for dumb shit - he gets spooked by everything. Amber speaks up, her voice +piercing the silence: 'Babe, can you turn that off?' I reply with a whisper, 'Yeah, sorry Am, +it's just Puff again. Always callin' me.' I lock the phone and toss it across the dark room. I +look back at her pale form - at least there's SOME benefits from working with the vampires. +Still, they give me the creeps. I can't wait until this is over. Any day now.}} +롤랜드에게서 나온다. + +=== Vampire #1 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +It's night time. but it's always night time here. The moon never shines anymore - not like the +night I met him. Not like the night we went home. Not like my last life.<br/> +<br/> +The bartender knows me; I've been coming here for weeks, since the day the Bloody Mary +opened. Clubs ony las a few weeks at best around here; no one really knows why. A man at +the bar buys me a drink - it glows like moonlight. I take a sip and I feel the warth. I shift +from one leg to the other. I don't feel like dancing tonight.<br/> +<br/> +I take another sip - it's a lot more bitter than I expect. The man at the bar buys me another +drink. He scans me, gaze lingering... oh, right. I almost forgot that this is how I died last time. +His hands burn where they touch. Let me forget - please make me forget!}} + +서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다. + +=== Vampire #2 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +We pull up to another club - the musci is still playing, but no voices come out. The music, +pounds in my skull - I'll turn it off as soon as I get inside. 'Another successful harvest,' she +wound say. Madam Stela says that the ash will help us leave this place, but almost nobody +knows that the ash is made from people - from the skeletons and their strange magic.<br/> +<br/> +The workers pile out of the car. They've been blinded, so they can't see what happened. One +by one, they pile into the club with their shovels and bags and start harvesting the frozen +bodies. I promised not to tell. The Stelas' would kill me if I did - last week Logan blabbed to +his girls during pillow talk. Big mistake. He's ash now.<br/> +<br/> +We've all been betrayed before - that's why we're here. What's one more? I just want to +secure my trip to hell, one way or another. Can you blame me?}} + +서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다. + +=== Vampire #3 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +---}} + + +마담 스텔라에게서 나온다. + +=== SKELETON 1 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +Cold. It's so bitterly cold. In the darkness of my patrol, lights dancing across the waves, the +cold bit at my exposed bones. I pry every step off of the pavement - the humidity near the +docks freeze my feet to the ground. I can hear Ibzan in the other rooom - still telling the +shamans about the land of warmth and the ash and the portal and blahblahblah. I'm starting +to think it's bullshit - but we are all so cold. The idea of a warmer place is so inviting. +'More flesh,' he'd say. 'We need more for the portal; it is so clse my brothers! We will soon be +embraced bt his Warmth, for he loves every one of us!'<br/> +<br/> +It's so cruel, isn't it? I wanted to die.. And I still do - but I can't. I have no brain to destroy +or nerves to sever. The Generals reassemble me as soon as I rip myself apart - and why is it +so GODDAMN cold?}} + +그런트, 서전트에게서 나온다. + +=== SKELETON 2 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +Another one. Thank god, another dead one.<br/> +It starts as a dull chill, originating from my right shoulder. THe feeling grows toward my +hands, skin tight against the bone. The feeling grows more, a searing hot pain in contrast to +the frigid air.<br/> +<br/> +Suddenly, the cold exits in a brilliant blue flash from my fingertips - and Albina is +reconstructed where she last died. Miraculously, the cold subsides for a moment; what a relief. +God, what warmth! I know Albina didn't WANT to be reconstructed - she shoots daggers from +empty sockets - but the cold was too much to bear. I almost feel sorry and begin to - oh, is +that anoter body?}} + + +제너럴에게서 나온다. + +=== SKELETON 3 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +---}} + + +=== DEMON 1 === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +Splish, splash. The dinghy rocks - we fit fifteen in a boat meant more for two. Splish, splash.<br/> +We hit an old post in the dark - and Goroduth careens over the edge into the cold dark +depths below. We gotta leave him behind - he's Charon's now. Splish, splash.<br/> +<br/> +Aulk pulls the dinght up to the shore. Charon can't see us here so far from the docks. She +lets out a sigh of relief. We all clamber over the edge. boat swaying as it's relieved of demons +and ammunition and weaponry. The cold sand is inviting. While none of us would admit it, we were +terrified of the deadly dark of the Styx - and of Charon. We've all heard the songs in the +birthing chambers... wait, you haven't? Seriously?<br/> +<br/> +'Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> +Charon's comin', swim real slow.<br/> +<br/> +Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> +Mama's not watching, she doesn't know.<br/> +<br/> +Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/> +Always remember that we drown slow.'<br/> +<br/> +Somethin' like that.}} + + +일반 데몬에게서 나온다. + +=== ??? === +{{인용문|-click-<br/> +<br/> +<br/> +---}} '
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[ 0 => '[[분류: DEADBOLT]]', 1 => '* 상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]]', 2 => '', 3 => '[[인디 게임]] [[DEADBOLT]]의 카세트 테이프 내용을 모아둔 항목이다.', 4 => '', 5 => '{{스포일러}}', 6 => '', 7 => '=== ZOMBIE #1 ===', 8 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 9 => '<br/><br/>', 10 => 'I wake up. Cold water. Docks again. Splinters in my hand. Where am I? Roland's here. He helps.', 11 => 'He says we leave. He says we don't have to come back to the docks again. He gives me a hit.', 12 => 'Good hit. I feel it in my tongue and my throat and my hands and my feet and my ears and<br/>', 13 => '<br/>', 14 => 'I wake up. How much time? Thumping in my ear. Music. I look down, and there's splinters in my', 15 => 'hand. Roland's gone. I die again. I overdose again.<br/>', 16 => '<br/>', 17 => 'I wake up. Hands wet. Feet wet. Docks again? I'm in living room. I need more ash. Roland? I', 18 => 'hear the music again. I hear yelling. The room fills up with cold water. I splinter and we all', 19 => 'overdose again.', 20 => '', 21 => 'I wake up. Knocking at the door. Roland?}}', 22 => '', 23 => '일반 좀비에게서 나온다.', 24 => '', 25 => '=== ZOMBIE #2 ===', 26 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 27 => '<br/>', 28 => '<br/>', 29 => 'Only ash helps. Ash brings a bit of Jacob back to me. What happened to Jacob? I remember. He', 30 => 'died. he overdosed. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth. Talking is hard. Thinking is hard. Did', 31 => 'Jacob pay rent? I shift the shotgun in my hand. Standing is hard. Roland? Roland says we', 32 => 'shouldn't smoke the ash. He says we need it. He says we can leave soon.<br/>', 33 => '<br/>', 34 => 'I hear scuttling. i fire my gun and splatter Jacob against the wall. Thought it was the reaper', 35 => '- I'm sorry Jacob. Thick somke fills the room and Jacob's red and yellow and green corpse is', 36 => 'gone. Where's Jacob? I want to be Jacob again.}}', 37 => '', 38 => '샷건을 든 좀비에게서 나온다.', 39 => '', 40 => '=== ZOMBIE #3 ===', 41 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 42 => '<br/>', 43 => '<br/>', 44 => ''Any day now', he says. 'The Dredged have a PLAN! Oh, what is the plan? Sorry, can't tell you.', 45 => 'Keep feeding your boys to the reaper though and just sit on the ash.' I hope this is worth it ', 46 => '- we're moving huge amounts of ash around, and we're losing members left and right to the reaper.<br/>', 47 => '<br/>', 48 => 'Dark and stormy said that the ash can be used for more than getting high - but man, was it ', 49 => 'HARD to convince the boys. I just wanna get everyone to a place where we don't need the high ', 50 => 'anymore - somewhere where we feel more... alive. We all feelin' like shit here. The boys don't ', 51 => 'know it, but on the day we lost Stephen I took a bump too. We all did. But I'm trying to be', 52 => 'stronger - it's not working yet, but I'm trying to be stronger. They need a leader.<br/>', 53 => '<br/>', 54 => 'I hear shifting in my bed - somethin' woke her up. My phone is ringing - Puff? Man, Puff is', 55 => 'always calling me for dumb shit - he gets spooked by everything. Amber speaks up, her voice', 56 => 'piercing the silence: 'Babe, can you turn that off?' I reply with a whisper, 'Yeah, sorry Am,', 57 => 'it's just Puff again. Always callin' me.' I lock the phone and toss it across the dark room. I', 58 => 'look back at her pale form - at least there's SOME benefits from working with the vampires.', 59 => 'Still, they give me the creeps. I can't wait until this is over. Any day now.}}', 60 => '롤랜드에게서 나온다.', 61 => '', 62 => '=== Vampire #1 ===', 63 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 64 => '<br/>', 65 => '<br/>', 66 => 'It's night time. but it's always night time here. The moon never shines anymore - not like the', 67 => 'night I met him. Not like the night we went home. Not like my last life.<br/>', 68 => '<br/>', 69 => 'The bartender knows me; I've been coming here for weeks, since the day the Bloody Mary', 70 => 'opened. Clubs ony las a few weeks at best around here; no one really knows why. A man at', 71 => 'the bar buys me a drink - it glows like moonlight. I take a sip and I feel the warth. I shift', 72 => 'from one leg to the other. I don't feel like dancing tonight.<br/>', 73 => '<br/>', 74 => 'I take another sip - it's a lot more bitter than I expect. The man at the bar buys me another', 75 => 'drink. He scans me, gaze lingering... oh, right. I almost forgot that this is how I died last time.', 76 => 'His hands burn where they touch. Let me forget - please make me forget!}}', 77 => '', 78 => '서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다.', 79 => '', 80 => '=== Vampire #2 ===', 81 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 82 => '<br/>', 83 => '<br/>', 84 => 'We pull up to another club - the musci is still playing, but no voices come out. The music,', 85 => 'pounds in my skull - I'll turn it off as soon as I get inside. 'Another successful harvest,' she', 86 => 'wound say. Madam Stela says that the ash will help us leave this place, but almost nobody', 87 => 'knows that the ash is made from people - from the skeletons and their strange magic.<br/>', 88 => '<br/>', 89 => 'The workers pile out of the car. They've been blinded, so they can't see what happened. One', 90 => 'by one, they pile into the club with their shovels and bags and start harvesting the frozen', 91 => 'bodies. I promised not to tell. The Stelas' would kill me if I did - last week Logan blabbed to', 92 => 'his girls during pillow talk. Big mistake. He's ash now.<br/>', 93 => '<br/>', 94 => 'We've all been betrayed before - that's why we're here. What's one more? I just want to', 95 => 'secure my trip to hell, one way or another. Can you blame me?}}', 96 => '', 97 => '서큐버스, 인큐버스에게서 나온다.', 98 => '', 99 => '=== Vampire #3 ===', 100 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 101 => '<br/>', 102 => '---}}', 103 => '', 104 => '', 105 => '마담 스텔라에게서 나온다.', 106 => '', 107 => '=== SKELETON 1 ===', 108 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 109 => '<br/>', 110 => '<br/>', 111 => 'Cold. It's so bitterly cold. In the darkness of my patrol, lights dancing across the waves, the', 112 => 'cold bit at my exposed bones. I pry every step off of the pavement - the humidity near the', 113 => 'docks freeze my feet to the ground. I can hear Ibzan in the other rooom - still telling the', 114 => 'shamans about the land of warmth and the ash and the portal and blahblahblah. I'm starting', 115 => 'to think it's bullshit - but we are all so cold. The idea of a warmer place is so inviting.', 116 => ''More flesh,' he'd say. 'We need more for the portal; it is so clse my brothers! We will soon be', 117 => 'embraced bt his Warmth, for he loves every one of us!'<br/>', 118 => '<br/>', 119 => 'It's so cruel, isn't it? I wanted to die.. And I still do - but I can't. I have no brain to destroy', 120 => 'or nerves to sever. The Generals reassemble me as soon as I rip myself apart - and why is it', 121 => 'so GODDAMN cold?}}', 122 => '', 123 => '그런트, 서전트에게서 나온다.', 124 => '', 125 => '=== SKELETON 2 ===', 126 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 127 => '<br/>', 128 => '<br/>', 129 => 'Another one. Thank god, another dead one.<br/>', 130 => 'It starts as a dull chill, originating from my right shoulder. THe feeling grows toward my', 131 => 'hands, skin tight against the bone. The feeling grows more, a searing hot pain in contrast to', 132 => 'the frigid air.<br/>', 133 => '<br/>', 134 => 'Suddenly, the cold exits in a brilliant blue flash from my fingertips - and Albina is', 135 => 'reconstructed where she last died. Miraculously, the cold subsides for a moment; what a relief.', 136 => 'God, what warmth! I know Albina didn't WANT to be reconstructed - she shoots daggers from', 137 => 'empty sockets - but the cold was too much to bear. I almost feel sorry and begin to - oh, is', 138 => 'that anoter body?}}', 139 => '', 140 => '', 141 => '제너럴에게서 나온다.', 142 => '', 143 => '=== SKELETON 3 ===', 144 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 145 => '<br/>', 146 => '<br/>', 147 => '---}}', 148 => '', 149 => '', 150 => '=== DEMON 1 ===', 151 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 152 => '<br/>', 153 => '<br/>', 154 => 'Splish, splash. The dinghy rocks - we fit fifteen in a boat meant more for two. Splish, splash.<br/>', 155 => 'We hit an old post in the dark - and Goroduth careens over the edge into the cold dark', 156 => 'depths below. We gotta leave him behind - he's Charon's now. Splish, splash.<br/>', 157 => '<br/>', 158 => 'Aulk pulls the dinght up to the shore. Charon can't see us here so far from the docks. She', 159 => 'lets out a sigh of relief. We all clamber over the edge. boat swaying as it's relieved of demons', 160 => 'and ammunition and weaponry. The cold sand is inviting. While none of us would admit it, we were', 161 => 'terrified of the deadly dark of the Styx - and of Charon. We've all heard the songs in the', 162 => 'birthing chambers... wait, you haven't? Seriously?<br/>', 163 => '<br/>', 164 => ''Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>', 165 => 'Charon's comin', swim real slow.<br/>', 166 => '<br/>', 167 => 'Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>', 168 => 'Mama's not watching, she doesn't know.<br/>', 169 => '<br/>', 170 => 'Splish, splash, in the Styx we go.<br/>', 171 => 'Always remember that we drown slow.'<br/>', 172 => '<br/>', 173 => 'Somethin' like that.}}', 174 => '', 175 => '', 176 => '일반 데몬에게서 나온다.', 177 => '', 178 => '=== ??? ===', 179 => '{{인용문|-click-<br/>', 180 => '<br/>', 181 => '<br/>', 182 => '---}}' ]
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