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2016년 9월 27일 (화) 20:51: 붕붕 (토론 | 기여)님이 DEADBOLT의 미션에서 "edit" 동작을 수행하여 필터 0이(가) 작동했습니다. 조치: 태그; 필터 설명: (검사)

편집에서 바뀐 내용

*상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]]

인디 게임 [[DEADBOLT]]의 미션을 설명하는 문서이다.
== "Zombie Kingz" ==
=== Noisy Neighbors ===
{{인용문|Kill all undead.}}
=== New High ===
{{인용문|The zombies are selling some strange drug. Find out what it is.}}
=== Smoke Signals ===
{{인용문|Let's get the attention of their leader. Burn all their drugs.}}
=== Puff ===
{{인용문|A low level dealer, Puff, might know about their supplier. Kill him.}}
=== Follow The Hounds ===
{{인용문|The first address leads to a Hellhound pound. End it.}}
=== The Bogeyman ===
{{인용문|The second address leads to a house with a missing Candle.}}
=== No Vacancy ===
{{인용문|Find the location of Roland's warehouse.}}
=== Supply and Demand ===
{{인용문|Destroy the warehouse where the Zombie Kingz store their drugs.}}
=== Rolland ===
{{Kill Roland, the leader of the Zombie Kingz.}}
== "1000 Year Royals" ==
=== Night out ===
{{인용문|The vampires are running a club - find out why.}}
=== Lux in Tenebirs ===
{{인용문|The vampires' numbers are worrying - thin it out.}}
=== The Bloody Mary ===
{{인용문|Another coub, another safe - maybe this one will have useful information.}}
=== Bottle Service ===
{{인용문|What are the vampires doing near the docks?}}
=== Amber & Evelynn ===
{{인용문|Twin vampires are running a brothel. Shut it down.}}
=== A Lot to Give ===
{{인용문|This club is strangely quiet - what happened?}}
=== Sir Stella ===
{{인용문|The vampire leader must know about what happened.}}
=== Forced Conservation ===
{{인용문|The vampires are being turned to ash - stop the next harvest.}}
=== Madam Stella ===
{{인용문|She knows about the conversion. Kill her and stop the ash.}}
== "The Dredged" ==
=== Overnight Shipping ===
{{인용문|The skeletons have been congregating near the docks. Find out why.}}
=== Structurally Sound ===
{{인용문|They've been attempting to build a new base. Destroy its inhabitants.}}
=== Bar Hopping ===
{{인용문|Two bars, back to back. Eliminate both.}}
=== Horror Show ===
{{인용문|The Candles have found the shipping location..}
=== Timur The Tinkerer ===
{{인용문|Timur is a high ranking Dredged. I'll find out what he knows.}}
=== Drive thru ===
{{인용문|I have to find out where Ibzan, The Dredged leader, lives.}}
=== As a Glass ===
{{인용문|Ibzan's home is heavily guarded, but must contain important information.}}
=== Vall ===
{{인용문|I need snipers on the roof - but must get rid of the Vall first.}}
=== Ibzan ===
{{인용문|I have to stop Ibzan and The Dredged from leaving this Place.}}

명령 변수

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(이름공간을 뺀) 문서 제목 (page_title)
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편집 요약/이유 (summary)
사소한 편집으로 표시할지의 여부 (더 이상 쓰이지 않음) (minor_edit)
편집 전 과거 문서의 위키텍스트 (old_wikitext)
편집 후 새 문서의 위키텍스트 (new_wikitext)
'*상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]] 인디 게임 [[DEADBOLT]]의 미션을 설명하는 문서이다. {{스포일러}} == "Zombie Kingz" == === Noisy Neighbors === {{인용문|Kill all undead.}} === New High === {{인용문|The zombies are selling some strange drug. Find out what it is.}} === Smoke Signals === {{인용문|Let's get the attention of their leader. Burn all their drugs.}} === Puff === {{인용문|A low level dealer, Puff, might know about their supplier. Kill him.}} === Follow The Hounds === {{인용문|The first address leads to a Hellhound pound. End it.}} === The Bogeyman === {{인용문|The second address leads to a house with a missing Candle.}} === No Vacancy === {{인용문|Find the location of Roland's warehouse.}} === Supply and Demand === {{인용문|Destroy the warehouse where the Zombie Kingz store their drugs.}} === Rolland === {{Kill Roland, the leader of the Zombie Kingz.}} == "1000 Year Royals" == === Night out === {{인용문|The vampires are running a club - find out why.}} === Lux in Tenebirs === {{인용문|The vampires' numbers are worrying - thin it out.}} === The Bloody Mary === {{인용문|Another coub, another safe - maybe this one will have useful information.}} === Bottle Service === {{인용문|What are the vampires doing near the docks?}} === Amber & Evelynn === {{인용문|Twin vampires are running a brothel. Shut it down.}} === A Lot to Give === {{인용문|This club is strangely quiet - what happened?}} === Sir Stella === {{인용문|The vampire leader must know about what happened.}} === Forced Conservation === {{인용문|The vampires are being turned to ash - stop the next harvest.}} === Madam Stella === {{인용문|She knows about the conversion. Kill her and stop the ash.}} == "The Dredged" == === Overnight Shipping === {{인용문|The skeletons have been congregating near the docks. Find out why.}} === Structurally Sound === {{인용문|They've been attempting to build a new base. Destroy its inhabitants.}} === Bar Hopping === {{인용문|Two bars, back to back. Eliminate both.}} === Horror Show === {{인용문|The Candles have found the shipping location..} === Timur The Tinkerer === {{인용문|Timur is a high ranking Dredged. I'll find out what he knows.}} === Drive thru === {{인용문|I have to find out where Ibzan, The Dredged leader, lives.}} === As a Glass === {{인용문|Ibzan's home is heavily guarded, but must contain important information.}} === Vall === {{인용문|I need snipers on the roof - but must get rid of the Vall first.}} === Ibzan === {{인용문|I have to stop Ibzan and The Dredged from leaving this Place.}}'
편집 전후의 차이 (edit_diff)
'@@ -1 +1,109 @@ +*상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]] +인디 게임 [[DEADBOLT]]의 미션을 설명하는 문서이다. +{{스포일러}} +== "Zombie Kingz" == +=== Noisy Neighbors === +{{인용문|Kill all undead.}} + + +=== New High === +{{인용문|The zombies are selling some strange drug. Find out what it is.}} + + +=== Smoke Signals === +{{인용문|Let's get the attention of their leader. Burn all their drugs.}} + + +=== Puff === +{{인용문|A low level dealer, Puff, might know about their supplier. Kill him.}} + + +=== Follow The Hounds === +{{인용문|The first address leads to a Hellhound pound. End it.}} + + +=== The Bogeyman === +{{인용문|The second address leads to a house with a missing Candle.}} + + +=== No Vacancy === +{{인용문|Find the location of Roland's warehouse.}} + + +=== Supply and Demand === +{{인용문|Destroy the warehouse where the Zombie Kingz store their drugs.}} +=== Rolland === +{{Kill Roland, the leader of the Zombie Kingz.}} + + +== "1000 Year Royals" == +=== Night out === +{{인용문|The vampires are running a club - find out why.}} + + +=== Lux in Tenebirs === +{{인용문|The vampires' numbers are worrying - thin it out.}} + + +=== The Bloody Mary === +{{인용문|Another coub, another safe - maybe this one will have useful information.}} + + +=== Bottle Service === +{{인용문|What are the vampires doing near the docks?}} + + +=== Amber & Evelynn === +{{인용문|Twin vampires are running a brothel. Shut it down.}} + + +=== A Lot to Give === +{{인용문|This club is strangely quiet - what happened?}} + + +=== Sir Stella === +{{인용문|The vampire leader must know about what happened.}} + + +=== Forced Conservation === +{{인용문|The vampires are being turned to ash - stop the next harvest.}} + + +=== Madam Stella === +{{인용문|She knows about the conversion. Kill her and stop the ash.}} + + +== "The Dredged" == +=== Overnight Shipping === +{{인용문|The skeletons have been congregating near the docks. Find out why.}} + + +=== Structurally Sound === +{{인용문|They've been attempting to build a new base. Destroy its inhabitants.}} + + +=== Bar Hopping === +{{인용문|Two bars, back to back. Eliminate both.}} + + +=== Horror Show === +{{인용문|The Candles have found the shipping location..} + + +=== Timur The Tinkerer === +{{인용문|Timur is a high ranking Dredged. I'll find out what he knows.}} + + +=== Drive thru === +{{인용문|I have to find out where Ibzan, The Dredged leader, lives.}} + + +=== As a Glass === +{{인용문|Ibzan's home is heavily guarded, but must contain important information.}} + +=== Vall === +{{인용문|I need snipers on the roof - but must get rid of the Vall first.}} + +=== Ibzan === +{{인용문|I have to stop Ibzan and The Dredged from leaving this Place.}} '
새 문서 크기 (new_size)
편집 중 추가된 줄 (added_lines)
[ 0 => '*상위 항목 : [[DEADBOLT]]', 1 => '인디 게임 [[DEADBOLT]]의 미션을 설명하는 문서이다.', 2 => '{{스포일러}}', 3 => '== "Zombie Kingz" ==', 4 => '=== Noisy Neighbors ===', 5 => '{{인용문|Kill all undead.}}', 6 => '', 7 => '', 8 => '=== New High ===', 9 => '{{인용문|The zombies are selling some strange drug. Find out what it is.}}', 10 => '', 11 => '', 12 => '=== Smoke Signals ===', 13 => '{{인용문|Let's get the attention of their leader. Burn all their drugs.}}', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => '=== Puff ===', 17 => '{{인용문|A low level dealer, Puff, might know about their supplier. Kill him.}}', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '=== Follow The Hounds ===', 21 => '{{인용문|The first address leads to a Hellhound pound. End it.}}', 22 => '', 23 => '', 24 => '=== The Bogeyman ===', 25 => '{{인용문|The second address leads to a house with a missing Candle.}}', 26 => '', 27 => '', 28 => '=== No Vacancy ===', 29 => '{{인용문|Find the location of Roland's warehouse.}}', 30 => '', 31 => '', 32 => '=== Supply and Demand ===', 33 => '{{인용문|Destroy the warehouse where the Zombie Kingz store their drugs.}}', 34 => '=== Rolland ===', 35 => '{{Kill Roland, the leader of the Zombie Kingz.}}', 36 => '', 37 => '', 38 => '== "1000 Year Royals" ==', 39 => '=== Night out ===', 40 => '{{인용문|The vampires are running a club - find out why.}}', 41 => '', 42 => '', 43 => '=== Lux in Tenebirs ===', 44 => '{{인용문|The vampires' numbers are worrying - thin it out.}}', 45 => '', 46 => '', 47 => '=== The Bloody Mary ===', 48 => '{{인용문|Another coub, another safe - maybe this one will have useful information.}}', 49 => '', 50 => '', 51 => '=== Bottle Service ===', 52 => '{{인용문|What are the vampires doing near the docks?}}', 53 => '', 54 => '', 55 => '=== Amber & Evelynn ===', 56 => '{{인용문|Twin vampires are running a brothel. Shut it down.}}', 57 => '', 58 => '', 59 => '=== A Lot to Give ===', 60 => '{{인용문|This club is strangely quiet - what happened?}}', 61 => '', 62 => '', 63 => '=== Sir Stella ===', 64 => '{{인용문|The vampire leader must know about what happened.}}', 65 => '', 66 => '', 67 => '=== Forced Conservation ===', 68 => '{{인용문|The vampires are being turned to ash - stop the next harvest.}}', 69 => '', 70 => '', 71 => '=== Madam Stella ===', 72 => '{{인용문|She knows about the conversion. Kill her and stop the ash.}}', 73 => '', 74 => '', 75 => '== "The Dredged" ==', 76 => '=== Overnight Shipping ===', 77 => '{{인용문|The skeletons have been congregating near the docks. Find out why.}}', 78 => '', 79 => '', 80 => '=== Structurally Sound ===', 81 => '{{인용문|They've been attempting to build a new base. Destroy its inhabitants.}}', 82 => '', 83 => '', 84 => '=== Bar Hopping ===', 85 => '{{인용문|Two bars, back to back. Eliminate both.}}', 86 => '', 87 => '', 88 => '=== Horror Show ===', 89 => '{{인용문|The Candles have found the shipping location..}', 90 => '', 91 => '', 92 => '=== Timur The Tinkerer ===', 93 => '{{인용문|Timur is a high ranking Dredged. I'll find out what he knows.}}', 94 => '', 95 => '', 96 => '=== Drive thru ===', 97 => '{{인용문|I have to find out where Ibzan, The Dredged leader, lives.}}', 98 => '', 99 => '', 100 => '=== As a Glass ===', 101 => '{{인용문|Ibzan's home is heavily guarded, but must contain important information.}}', 102 => '', 103 => '=== Vall ===', 104 => '{{인용문|I need snipers on the roof - but must get rid of the Vall first.}}', 105 => '', 106 => '=== Ibzan ===', 107 => '{{인용문|I have to stop Ibzan and The Dredged from leaving this Place.}}' ]
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