사용자:Zlzleking/common.js: 두 판 사이의 차이

편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
(같은 사용자의 중간 판 6개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
( function () {
var test = $('.mw-htmlform-field-Licenses > .mw-input > label > input[type="checkbox"]');
* @ignore
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function doLivePreview( e ) {
var isDiff, api, parseRequest, diffRequest, postData, copySelectors, section, summary,
$wikiPreview, $wikiDiff, $editform, $textbox, $copyElements, $spinner, $errorBox;
isDiff = ( e.target.name === 'wpDiff' );
$wikiPreview = $( '#wikiPreview' );
$wikiDiff = $( '#wikiDiff' );
$editform = $( '#editform' );
$textbox = $editform.find( '#wpTextbox1' );
summary = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#wpSummaryWidget' ) );
$spinner = $( '.mw-spinner-preview' );
$errorBox = $( '.errorbox' );
section = $editform.find( '[name="wpSection"]' ).val();
if ( $textbox.length === 0 ) {
// Show changes for a new section is not yet supported
if ( isDiff && section === 'new' ) {
// Remove any previously displayed errors
// Show #wikiPreview if it's hidden to be able to scroll to it
// (if it is hidden, it's also empty, so nothing changes in the rendering)
// Jump to where the preview will appear
$wikiPreview[ 0 ].scrollIntoView();
copySelectors = [
// Main
// Editing-related
$copyElements = $( copySelectors.join( ',' ) );
// Not shown during normal preview, to be removed if present
$( '.mw-newarticletext' ).remove();
if ( $spinner.length === 0 ) {
$spinner = $.createSpinner( {
size: 'large',
type: 'block'
} )
.addClass( 'mw-spinner-preview' )
.css( 'margin-top', '1em' );
$wikiPreview.before( $spinner );
} else {
$copyElements.addClass( [ 'mw-preview-copyelements', 'mw-preview-copyelements-loading' ] );
api = new mw.Api();
postData = {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'parse',
title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
summary: summary.getValue(),
prop: ''
if ( isDiff ) {
if ( postData.summary ) {
parseRequest = api.post( postData );
diffRequest = api.post( {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
titles: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
rvdifftotext: $textbox.textSelection( 'getContents' ),
rvdifftotextpst: true,
rvprop: '',
rvsection: section === '' ? undefined : section,
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
} );
// Wait for the summary before showing the diff so the page doesn't jump twice
$.when( diffRequest, parseRequest ).done( function ( response ) {
var diffHtml;
try {
diffHtml = response[ 0 ].query.pages[ 0 ]
.revisions[ 0 ].diff.body;
$wikiDiff.find( 'table.diff tbody' ).html( diffHtml );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.diff' ).fire( $wikiDiff.find( 'table.diff' ) );
} catch ( err ) {
// "result.blah is undefined" error, ignore
mw.log.warn( err );
} );
} else {
$.extend( postData, {
prop: 'text|indicators|displaytitle|modules|jsconfigvars|categorieshtml|templates|langlinks|limitreporthtml',
text: $textbox.textSelection( 'getContents' ),
pst: true,
preview: true,
sectionpreview: section !== '',
disableeditsection: true,
useskin: mw.config.get( 'skin' ),
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )
} );
if ( section === 'new' ) {
postData.section = 'new';
postData.sectiontitle = postData.summary;
parseRequest = api.post( postData );
parseRequest.done( function ( response ) {
var newList, $displaytitle, $content, $parent, $list;
if ( response.parse.jsconfigvars ) {
mw.config.set( response.parse.jsconfigvars );
if ( response.parse.modules ) {
mw.loader.load( response.parse.modules.concat(
) );
newList = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-each-util
$.each( response.parse.indicators, function ( name, indicator ) {
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-indicator' )
.attr( 'id', mw.util.escapeIdForAttribute( 'mw-indicator-' + name ) )
.html( indicator )
.get( 0 ),
// Add a whitespace between the <div>s because
// they get displayed with display: inline-block
document.createTextNode( '\n' )
} );
$( '.mw-indicators' ).empty().append( newList );
if ( response.parse.displaytitle ) {
$displaytitle = $( $.parseHTML( response.parse.displaytitle ) );
$( '#firstHeading' ).msg(
mw.config.get( 'wgEditMessage', 'editing' ),
document.title = mw.msg(
mw.config.get( 'wgEditMessage', 'editing' ),
if ( response.parse.categorieshtml ) {
$content = $( $.parseHTML( response.parse.categorieshtml ) );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.categories' ).fire( $content );
$( '.catlinks[data-mw="interface"]' ).replaceWith( $content );
if ( response.parse.templates ) {
newList = response.parse.templates.map( function ( template ) {
return $( '<li>' )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( {
href: mw.util.getUrl( template.title ),
class: ( template.exists ? '' : 'new' )
} )
.text( template.title )
} );
$editform.find( '.templatesUsed .mw-editfooter-list' ).detach().empty().append( newList ).appendTo( '.templatesUsed' );
if ( response.parse.limitreporthtml ) {
$( '.limitreport' ).html( response.parse.limitreporthtml );
if ( response.parse.langlinks && mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' ) {
newList = response.parse.langlinks.map( function ( langlink ) {
var bcp47 = mw.language.bcp47( langlink.lang );
return $( '<li>' )
.addClass( 'interlanguage-link interwiki-' + langlink.lang )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( {
href: langlink.url,
title: langlink.title + ' - ' + langlink.langname,
lang: bcp47,
hreflang: bcp47
} )
.text( langlink.autonym )
} );
$list = $( '#p-lang ul' );
$parent = $list.parent();
$list.detach().empty().append( newList ).prependTo( $parent );
if ( response.parse.text ) {
$content = $wikiPreview.children( '.mw-content-ltr,.mw-content-rtl' );
.html( response.parse.text );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $content );
// Reattach
$wikiPreview.append( $content );
} );
$.when( parseRequest, diffRequest ).done( function ( parseResp ) {
var parse = parseResp && parseResp[ 0 ].parse,
isSubject = ( section === 'new' ),
summaryMsg = isSubject ? 'subject-preview' : 'summary-preview',
$summaryPreview = $editform.find( '.mw-summary-preview' ).empty();
if ( parse && parse.parsedsummary ) {
mw.message( summaryMsg ).parse(),
' ',
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'comment' ).html(
// There is no equivalent to rawParams
mw.message( 'parentheses' ).escaped()
// .replace() use $ as start of a pattern.
// $$ is the pattern for '$'.
// The inner .replace() duplicates any $ and
// the outer .replace() simplifies the $$.
.replace( '$1', parse.parsedsummary.replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' ) )
mw.hook( 'wikipage.editform' ).fire( $editform );
} ).always( function () {
$copyElements.removeClass( 'mw-preview-copyelements-loading' );
} ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
// This just shows the error for whatever request failed first
var errorMsg = 'API error: ' + code;
if ( code === 'http' ) {
errorMsg = 'HTTP error: ';
if ( result.exception ) {
errorMsg += result.exception;
} else {
errorMsg += result.textStatus;
$errorBox = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'errorbox' )
.html( '<strong>' + mw.message( 'previewerrortext' ).escaped() + '</strong><br>' )
.append( document.createTextNode( errorMsg ) );
$wikiPreview.hide().before( $errorBox );
} );
$( function () {
// Do not enable on user .js/.css pages, as there's no sane way of "previewing"
// the scripts or styles without reloading the page.
if ( $( '#mw-userjsyoucanpreview' ).length || $( '#mw-usercssyoucanpreview' ).length ) {
// The following elements can change in a preview but are not output
// by the server when they're empty until the preview response.
// TODO: Make the server output these always (in a hidden state), so we don't
// have to fish and (hopefully) put them in the right place (since skins
// can change where they are output).
if ( !document.getElementById( 'p-lang' ) && document.getElementById( 'p-tb' ) && mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' ) {
$( '.portal' ).last().after(
$( '<div>' ).attr( {
class: 'portal',
id: 'p-lang',
role: 'navigation',
'aria-labelledby': 'p-lang-label'
} )
.append( $( '<h3>' ).attr( 'id', 'p-lang-label' ).text( mw.msg( 'otherlanguages' ) ) )
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'body' ).append( '<ul>' ) )
if ( !$( '.mw-summary-preview' ).length ) {
$( '#wpSummaryWidget' ).after(
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-summary-preview' )
if ( !document.getElementById( 'wikiDiff' ) && document.getElementById( 'wikiPreview' ) ) {
$( '#wikiPreview' ).after(
$( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikiDiff' )
.html( '<table class="diff"><col class="diff-marker"/><col class="diff-content"/>' +
'<col class="diff-marker"/><col class="diff-content"/><tbody/></table>' )
// This should be moved down to '#editform', but is kept on the body for now
// because the LiquidThreads extension is re-using this module with only half
// the EditPage (doesn't include #editform presumably, T57463).
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '#wpPreview, #wpDiff', doLivePreview );
} );
}() );

2020년 1월 14일 (화) 06:54 판

var test = $('.mw-htmlform-field-Licenses > .mw-input > label > input[type="checkbox"]');