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>이 항목은 픽션이며, SCP 재단 위키 항목에 기반하고 있습니다.

 * 상위항목: SCP 재단
 * 일련번호: SCP-231(Special Personnel Requirements)
 * 등급: 케테르 (Keter)
 * [원문]

악마 숭배 XXX파티에서 구출된 7명의 여성 (현재 1명만 남아 수용 중)이 대상이며, 세계 멸망을 초래할 어떤 것의 출현을 막기 위해 D등급 인원이 24시간마다 110-몬톡 절차라는 것을 수행하고 있는 대상이다. 사실 그 절차라는 것이, 직접적으로 묘사되지는 않지만 대상을 성적으로 범하는 것이므로[* 대상은 24시간 침대에 묶여 있으며, 110-몬톡 절차는 최소 24시간 이내 반복된다..] 요원중에서는 대상 여성을 동정하거나 정신적으로 힘들어하는 경우가 빈번하다. 이에 재단에서는 세계멸망급 사태를 방지하는 절차임을 강조하며 담당 요원의 정신 무장을 강조하고 있는 실정이다.

* 설명

SCP-231-7 (231-1~6은 후술)은 █세에서 ██세 사이로 보이는 여성이며, (데이터 말소). SCP-231-1에서 231-7은 모두 ██주 ██████████에서 'Children of the Scarlet King'이라는 단체 소유의 창고를 경찰이 습격하였을 때 구조되었다. (이에 대해서는 ████████████ ██████ 신문 ████년 ██월 ██일자 기사 '악마 숭배 XXX파티 경찰 습격, 7명 구조' 참조).구조 24시간 후, SCP-231-1(실제 이름 ██████████)은 아이를 낳으려는 듯 통증을 호소하였고, 3분 후 SCP-██(████████)를 출산하였다. 이는 ██████████ 사건을 일으켜 ███명 이상의 확인된 인명 피해를 초래하였다. 재단은 긴급하게 요원을 투입하여 SCP-231-2에서 231-7의 신변을 확보하였고, 이교도들에게서 입수한 문서를 분석한 자료를 기반으로 향후 피해를 막기 위해 110-몬톡 절차[* 문서에는 직접적인 묘사는 나오지 않으나, 강간을 의미하는 것으로 보임]를 시행하였다.

SCP-231-1 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): SCP-██를 낳고 회복 중 사망. ■SCP- SCP-231-2 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): 2번째 SCP-██ 태아를 제거하려 시도하는 도중 사망. 즉시 ██████████ 사건이 발생하였음. 사망자 발생 
SCP-231-3 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): 110-몬톡 절차 수행으로 인한 스트레스 증가로 자살. SCP-██ 는 즉시  ██████████ 사건을 일으킴. 사망자 발생
SCP-231-4 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): SCP-500(만병통치약) 처방. SCP-██ 의 모든 흔적이 성공적으로 배출되었으나, 배출된 물질이 ██████████ 사건을 일으켜 SCP 231-4를 비롯한 많은 희생자 발생.
SCP-231-5 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): 110 몬톡 절차의 서투른 시행으로 인해, 시행 1시간 후 SCP-██ 출산. 역시 ██████████사건 발생. 사망자 발생. 향후 110 몬톡 절차의 실패를 방지하기 위해 D등급 인원은 성범죄 경력자들로만 구성하기로 함.
SCP-231-6 (████년 ██월 ██일 사망): ██████████ 요원의 도움으로 탈출을 시도하다 사망. ██████████ 요원은 장기간 SCP-231에 노출되어 상당한 스트레스를 받고 있었고, 이로 인해 SCP-231-6과 231-7을 구해내고자 SCP-(데이터 말소) 무기를 무단 사용하였음. 교전 중 ██████████ 요원은 사살되었으나 그 때 발사된 무기로 231-6은 사망. 231-6의 SCP-██ 태아는 어김없이 ██████████ 사건 유발. 이 사건 이후 05-레벨 인원 만장일치로 접근 인원 규정을 개정함. 
SCP-231-7 : ████년 ██월 ██일 이후 ██████에서 성공적으로 보관 중 

* 보관 절차

SCP-005는 직접적으로 어떠한 위해도 끼치지 않는 물건이다. 그렇다고 해도, 후술할 그 특유의 기능 때문에 이 물체를 보관 장소에서 빼내 오려면 적어도 한 명 이상의 레벨 4 급 인원의 승인이 필요하다.

* 부가 기록

SCP 재단 내에서는 출입 카드를 잃어버린 사람에게 임시로 지급되어 사용할 수 있도록 하고 있다.(하지만 역시 레벨4 인원 최소 1명의 감시하에 사용해야 한다) 다만 자판기 수리나 개인의 사물함 열쇠, 또는 재단 인원의 집 열쇠 대용으로는 사용하는 것은 불가하며, 이러한 사례가 발견된 즉시 해당 인원은 해고한다.

Site and Personnel Requirements: Under special order of O5-██, the following addendum is attached to the beginning of the file for SCP-231-7.

All personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must rotate out for one month of psychological counseling after two months on-site. SCP-231-7 is to be kept at an undisclosed location. All personnel assigned to SCP-231 will be transported there blindfolded from Site-19 by a route including no fewer than seven different forms of transportation, including but not limited to aircraft, automobile, underground tunnel, and ████████████. Removal of the blindfold during the transport process is grounds for immediate termination.

Personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must undergo heavy psychological testing before being cleared to enter the site. Individuals must score at least 72 points on the Milgram Obedience Examination, be unmarried, have no offspring, and express nothing less than total loyalty to the Foundation. Unlike in normal psychological examinations, mild sociopathic tendencies and marked sexual deviancy are not to be considered automatic fail conditions.

Personnel who express sympathy towards SCP-231-7's plight and/or express a desire to rescue or sympathize towards SCP-231-7 will be transferred to another project without delay. Any actual rescue attempts will be met with immediate termination. Personnel who have served on the staff of SCP-231-7's Containment Team are not required to divulge that information to others. No official record shall be kept of the names of any staff assigned to SCP-231-7, nor will said service appear in the personnel files of said staff.

While on-site, individuals assigned to SCP-231-7 will be issued concealing helmets with integrated voice changers to protect their identity. On-site staff are not to remove said uniforms in the presence of other staff members. Off-duty hours are to be spent in private quarters alone.

Six Class D Personnel with backgrounds as convicted sex offenders are to be assigned to SCP-231-7 each month for the purposes of carrying out Procedure 110-Montauk. Violent criminals are not to be used for this purpose due to the possibility of accidental fatality during the 110-Montauk process.

Special Containment Procedures: Following repeated escape and suicide attempts, and based on the failure of containment for SCP-231-1 through 6, containment of SCP-231-7 has been amended to the following: SCP-231 is to be contained within a soundproof holding cell, adjacent to holding cells for six Class D Personnel assigned for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Cameras will monitor every inch of the cell at all times, and must be manned 24 hours a day. Malfunctioning monitoring equipment will be replaced without delay by psychologically screened staff. Doors will be magnetically locked, openable only by positive action by the control and monitoring facility. This includes all doors linking the main holding cell to those of the six Class D Personnel.

SCP-231-7 is to be kept restrained to a hospital bed at all times except for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Hydration will be provided through IV drip. Feeding will be carried out twice per day through feeding tube by approved medical personnel who have not taken the Hippocratic Oath. Under no circumstances are narcotics, anesthesia, or other unapproved medications to be administered to SCP-231-7.

Procedure 110-Montauk is to be carried out at least once every 24 hours by Class D Personnel. During Procedure 110-Montauk, at least one Security Clearance 4/231 staff member must monitor the procedure by camera at all times, although the sound may be turned off if the vocalizations of SCP-231-7 become too distressing. Following the procedure, all Class D Personnel must return to their holding cells or explosive collars will be detonated.


Addendum 231-b: Text of missive by O5-██

Dear Friends,

It has come to my attention that recently, certain rumors have surfaced regarding SCP-231. Due to the drop in staff morale, I have decided to address some of the more prevalent points.

■Yes, Procedure 110-Montauk is as horrible as you have heard, which is why only Class D Personnel are authorized to carry it out. Yes, it does involve brutal [REDACTED].
■No, assignment to SCP-231 is not intended to test your loyalty to the Foundation, your tendencies towards ██████████, or anything else.
■No, SCP-231 is not a punishment detail.
■Yes, there are staff members who have been on SCP-231 and have successfully transferred out by their own request. No, not everyone who's worked on SCP-231 is terminated upon leaving the project.
■Yes, staff members who have been assigned to SCP-231 are allowed to take a Class A Amnesiac before leaving the project if so desired. Yes, false memories are then implanted. No, none of the supposed methods for recovering or detecting false memories work. Yes, there are some of you who've worked on SCP-231 and don't remember it.
■No, we have not given up trying to save SCP-231-7, but research in that field must be carried out with the utmost of caution. Based on the increased potency of each subsequent ████████████ event associated with each subsequent SCP-██ specimen, there is a strong possibility that SCP-231-7's ████████████ event could result in an XK class end-of-the-world scenario. This information is corroborated in notebooks recovered from the cultists (see document "Seven Brides, Seven Seals," SCP-231-Adjunct B).
■No, putting the poor girl out of her misery is NOT an option. Neither is drugging her. She has to be aware of what is going on for 110-Montauk to work.

One final note: The Foundation does many distasteful things in the completion of our mission, but our mission is important enough that the price is one we must pay. Containment of SCP-231 is one of our most dangerous duties, not because of any direct danger to ourselves (like SCP-682) but because of the danger that our resolve will fail, that we will allow ourselves to either let down our guard due to sympathy for the suffering of an innocent, or that we will allow ourselves to become monsters through the performance of monstrous acts. Just do your jobs, and save the philosophizing for the shrink.


Don't believe it when they say they're trying to save her. Why would they bother? They've got exactly what they want exactly where they want it.

Addendum 231-c: Update

231-07's emotional response to Procedure 110-Montauk appears to be reduced recently, despite proper execution of said procedure, increasing danger of SCP-██ undergoing a ████████████ event. Two options have been proposed.

1. Development of a new containment procedure with higher emotional response than Procedure 110-Montauk.

2. Administration of a Class A Amnesiac to SCP-231-7, allowing for a return to base emotional response state. Said amnesiac is to be administered during execution of Procedure 110-Montauk to maintain heightened emotional state following memory reset.

Please advise.

Dr. ████

Addendum 231-d: Decision

Carry out Option 2 at the first available opportunity.


Addendum 231-e: Aftermath

Option 2 was carried out. SCP-231-7's emotional state returned to 100% efficacy. Dr. ████ subsequently committed suicide due to heightened emotional stress. Will continue analysis of efficacy of treatment.

Dr. ██████████

Addendum 231-f: Continued Analysis of Efficacy of Treatment

After some analysis, I have determined that it is not necessary to administer a Class A Amnesiac every time Procedure 110-Montauk is carried out. In fact, it is better to delay for some time before re-administering the agent. Analysis of Subject 231-7's emotional response indicates that efficacy of Procedure 110-Montauk seems to peak between the third and fourth performance of the procedure: the dread of anticipation of events seems to heighten emotional response for a time, before familiarity with the procedure begins to lessen the efficacy of treatment. My recommendation is that Class A Amnesiacs be administered once a week during Procedure 110-Montauk. The calendar has been modified accordingly.

Dr. ██████████