사용자:Utolee90/Namuwiki (EN)

틀:현재진행중 틀:Infobox EN

Namuwiki, the tree of knowledge you raise
— Slogan of Namuwiki

Warning : All of the linked pages in Namuwiki are written in Korean so you might not be able to read the contents. Hey, this is itself a Korean wiki, too. So what?

Summary[편집 | 원본 편집]

Namuwiki(Ko: 나무위키) is a Korean wiki website whose server is in Paraguay. It is a forked website of Rigveda Wiki and was made on April 17, 2015 because of the shut down of Rigveda wiki due to the properity privatazation of Rigveda wiki. It is an alternative wiki of Rigveda wiki along EN:Librewiki.

The authers of wiki are namu, PPPP, kasio, ztirf and syndrome.

The owner of Namuwiki and the supreme user of Namuwiki was namu from its birth, but he took over his ownership to umanle S.R.L[1], the Paraguayan company on 8 a.m, May 7 of 2016 on Paraguay time(10 p.m. May 7 of 2016 on Korean standard time).[2]

Characteristics[편집 | 원본 편집]

As a forked wiki of Rigveda wiki, it contains 280 thousand articles of Rigvedawiki from the beginning, unlike EN:Librewiki. It has preserved the revisions of articles of Rigveda wiki until April 11, 2015 and offers users to edit these articles. However, it had lost some broken image and movie links, and took a lot of time to remove the vestige of Rigveda wiki propered informations. Despite these shortages, it took over the role of Rigveda wiki and Enhawiki Mirror because Rigvedawiki failed to restore from shutdown by the crisis from property privatization, and Enhawiki Mirror shut down by the conflict of Rigveda Wiki. Rigeveda wiki allowed ordinary users to edit articles on June 2015, but Namuwiki already had drawn users from Rigveda wiki. Attributing to this, it ranked the 2nd place(as the whole word) on word of the year in 2015 of Google Korea search, following MERS(메르스)..[3]

Because of its notability, ize analyized Namuwiki. The magazine explained the notability, influence, guide to use and cautions to use.

Namuwiki uses the Seed, the properity engine different from Moniwiki or Mediawiki. In Rigveda wiki, the length of title was limited due to technical problems, but Namuwiki allows to use unlimited length of title. Thanks to this, titles of articles such as this one(김수한무...), [1]and this one were gained their full names. However, some articles were broken due to lack of correspondence with Moniwiki scripts.

Unlike Rigveda wiki, the server of Namuwiki is out of Korea, which allows to avoid responsibility under the Korean Law. Rigveda wiki tried to move the server out of Korea, but it failed to move server and was under the law of Korea, which prevents making articles able to violating Korean laws like one related to politicians or sexual contents. However, many users has thought Namuwiki is not under the Korean laws because its server is not in Korea. Nevertheless, the editors of Namuwiki is under the legal regulation of Korean laws due to the nationality principle and Protection principle of Korean constitution although Namuwiki is less affected under Korean laws. Of course prosecutors cannot seize its server easily, so it is hard to investigate violations of law in wiki. In addition, a lot of morally problematic expressions, not necessarily criminal, are found in wiki

With a great surprise, Namuwiki abolished bans of creating articles after it opened a little bit later. However, it uses temporary edit blocking policy to respond to request for protection of right. The freeness of making articles allows users more convenience than Rigveda wiki, but there are some risks to make valueless articles about unfamous fries or ill-purposed propagandas. Also, even adult staffs are available in Namuwiki, so there may be concerns under the censorship of Korea Communication Commission(ko:방송통신위원회). Even though Namuwiki bypasses the packet censorship using TLS/SSL on its domain, it is not totally free on direct block of website itself.

The regulation of adult staffs on Rigveda wiki was unnecessarily strong. For example, the manager blocked a user writing just a single word "sex". Although the banning of adult staffs in Rigveda wiki was absurd, Namuwiki, however, needs to regulate sensational adult staffs. In addition, it needs self-purification against vulgar expressions, excessive verbal abuse on contrversial politicians or people or hate speeches against minorities.

During April fools day, Namuwiki changed its title skin to that of former Rigveda wiki with inserting μ's logo(the logo of Lovelive mu's) because Namu, the former chief manager, was a Loveliver.

Sysops of Namuwiki[편집 | 원본 편집]

Unlike most of Mediawiki-based wikis, Namuwiki has throught division among the positions of sysops, administrators(관리자), moderators(중재자) and tribunes(호민관), elected by users. In addition, three wiki managers(umanle, 관리자, 개발자) provides some tools for checking accounts and dealing with disclaimers to protect rights. Unlike Libre Wiki, all of the operators shares user rights such as editing fully protected articles, blocking users, changing the protection level of documents(except tribunes) and pausing/closing discussion threads. In Namuwiki, discussion pages quite different to those of Mediawiki but similar to discussion board with a lot of threads. If operators close the thread, no users can leave comments on this thread anymore.

Adminstrators(관리자) are responsible for managing boards, blocking abusing users, closing/pausing discussion threads, changing the protection level of articles and editing user pages with violation of rules. If you can read Korean, you can get informationabout administrators.

Moderators(중재자) are characteristic positions in Namuwiki, since administrators usually take responsibility on moderation of conflicts in other wikis. They have roles of moderating discussions, regulating abusing users and blinding improper talks. The number of moderators are more than that of adminstrators because there are many disputes about the expressions of writings in Namuwiki. You can see the right of moderators here.

Finally, tribunes(호민관) are also characteristic positions in Namuwiki. They have roles to supervise other elected operators and claim against improper behaviors of operators. They have the right to change the block period of users or unblock blocked users. They have the right to approve or reject modifications of regulations for operations. They have authority to ask for impeachment of other operators violating rules and even impeach other operators if all of tribunes agree with impeachment. You can see the right of tribunes here.

Frequently used expression in Namuwiki[편집 | 원본 편집]

Here are expressions frequently used from Rigveda Wiki to express ad-libs or humors. These expressions are also seen frequently on Oriwiki and Badawiki, forking database of Rigveda Wiki and Namuwiki. These are usually written under the strikng line.

  • 자쿠와는 다르다 자쿠와는(Meaning : It is different from Zaku, ZAKU) - The word Zaku is substituted for suitable word.
  • 천하의 개쌍놈(Meaning: The evil bitch in the world), 이 새끼는 절대 사람 새끼가 아니다.(Meaning : He/She looks like a human but does not behave as a human.)
  • 믿으면 골룸(하다) (Meaning: You shouldn't believe that ..., "Gollum" is pronounced similarly to the word "Gollan(ko:곤란)". With postposition "hada(하다)", this means "be in the trouble")
  • 그런데 그것이 실제로 일어났습니다(Meaning: ...,but this happened actually.)
  • 하지만 ~이 출동하면 어떨까?(드라군 놀이)(Meaning: ...,but when Dragoon appears,..., "Dragoon" might be substituted for suitable word acoording to context.)
  • 검열삭제 (Meaning: Scratched!, it is used for concealing embarrassing or shocking expressions and often substituded for page link)
  • 흠좀무 - (Meaning: Hmm, if it's true, it's shocking. A brief expression for '흠 이게 사실이라면 좀 무섭군요' in Korean)
  • 더 이상의 자세한 설명은 생략한다, 더이상 무슨 말이 必要韓紙? (Meaning : I omit further explanation about this)
  • 아 씨바 할 말을 잃었습니다 (Meaning: Oh, s**t, I 've forgotten to say, This was spoken by Oi-Su, Lee, a famous novelist in Korea, after reading a cringy poem title as "어둠의 다크에서 죽음의 데스를 느끼며")
  • 독일의 과학력은 세계 제이이이이이이이이이이이이이일!! (Meaning: The (scientific development of Germany is the be-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-st in the world.) Usually substitued '독일'(Germany) for the explaining object, '과학력'(scientific development) for the characteristic of object.
  • 크고 아름다운 (Meaning: (It's) beautifully large, derived from misunderstanding of Japanese pharases : "すごく… 大きいです…(very large)", すごく(very -> beautiful) )
  • 내가 고자라니 (Meaning: Oh, I became an enunch[4]
  • 망했어요 (Meaning: (It's) Bankrupt!/Broken!/Spoiled!)
  • 까야 제맛 (Meaning: He/She/It deserves to be derided)
  • 현기증 난단 말이에요 (Meaning: Oh, it's dizzy, so I can't wait)
  • 고만해 미친놈들아 (Meaning: Stop ...ing, you crazy!)
  • 개미를 죽입시다 개미는 나의 원수 - (Meaning: Let's kill ANTS, which are my enemies) The word '개미'(ants) is usually substituted for suitable word.
  • 여백이 부족하다(페르마의 대정리) (Meaning: ... is too large to fit in the margin)
  • 오오 ~~ 오오 - (Meaning : Oh, ~~ , wonderful!) It is frequently used for compliment of someone (expressed in ~~).
  • 그러라고 사 준 컴퓨터가 아닐텐데 (Meaning: I didn't buy the computer for using that... )
  • 그런 거 없다 (Meaning : This actually does not exist.)
  • 콩드립 - Ad-lib related with the second. "Bean"(ko:콩) is a nickname of Jin-Ho, Hong, the professional gamer who have almost always been lost on finals of game competitions.)
  • 몰라 뭐야 그거 무서워 (Meaning: Whar? really? it's shocking!)
  • 장비를 정지합니다 (Meaning: The Machine is deactivated)
  • 카더라 (Meaning: Kadeora It is assumed that...) - Used at the end of sentense to express uncertainty of the informations.

Striking lines and ellipses with parentheses(...) are frequently used on Enha-related wikis. Please see the article Enha-Related Wiki.

Events and Elections[편집 | 원본 편집]

Contests for logos, mascots and favicons[편집 | 원본 편집]

Namuwiki opened contests unofficially for logos, mascosts, favicons and slogans from April 30th, 2015. Users attended them zealously, and on May 14th of the same year, the logo, mascots, the favicon of Namuwiki were selected. The slogan of Namuwiki was later determined by the vote of users on June 11th of the same year. [5]

Elections for Temporary administrator[편집 | 원본 편집]

The election for temporary administrator(ko:임시관리자) started from June 5th, 2015.

(Skipped translating the part) 리브레 위키트위터 홍보팀도 나무위키의 임시관리자에 지원을 고려중이라고 한다. 스파이 6월 5일 오후 11시 37분 56초에는 前 재지키 운영자가 출마한 것으로 확인되었다. (Skipped)

Usually it is natural to ask proper questions to examine the candidates and investigating their policies, but absurd questions were raised. Here are the absurd questions:

If you have a sister from Osaka, let me introduce her.
Did your mother raise you by selling hubs, holding a basket on her head?
Have you visited a hospital accomodating suspected MERS patients?
Can you speak Russians? Can you speak "blocked" in Russian?
What is your opinion about circumcision(ko:포경수술), a recent issue? I will advocate operators who is positive for circumcision

As you see, all the asked users were used without login, marked as changable IP address. Initially these users tended not to be responsible to their questions, so this might be a cause for flood of weird questions.

However, some candidates answered wisely and cleverly after they asked these wierd questions.

I have a lot of ideologies about lifelong ideas, but there are too little margins to answer your question.
— Candidate youstink, Answers for asking the candidate's lifelong philosophy, belief and mottos in a hundred letters in Korean.
You should ask me to write autobiography
— Candidate sakamoto22, Answers for asking the candidate's lifelong philosophy, belief and mottos in a hundred letters in Korean.
You should be passed on the predecessing election before you ask this
— Candidate youstink, Answers for introducing his sister if he had a sister from Osaka.

So what... these examples might investigate not the policy of the candidates but the "level of patience"(...) By watching the situation, koreapyj, the ex-adminstrator at that time, noticed that he would block whoever ask unrelated questions for investigation, and three of users were blocked.

The election process is disturbed, so after the notice, I will block whoever ask unrelated question for operation of the wiki(e.g. a sister in Osaka, able to speak Russian) without any warning. Your attention please.
— koreapyj
Ambox move.png
이 단락의 2016년 1월 5일 이전 기여자 목록은 파일:Namuwiki_20160105.jpg에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

On this temporary administrator election, sakamoto22, youstink and PhysicalMouse was elected as new operator, and koreapyj became the supreme administrator. (but koreapyj resigned the opreator after a while...)

On July, satamoto22 abdicated his position, so youstink and PhysicalMouse requested additional administrators and made Caeboo and starcraft936 as administrator. (However, starcraft936 also abdicated his position after a month...)

The first routine operator election[편집 | 원본 편집]

On October 1st, 2015, the first routine operator occured after the notice. For a near half-year after its birth, Namuwiki was operated under the temporary operators.

In the election, three administrators(ko:관리자)[6], five arbiters(ko:중재자)[7] and three tribunes(ko:호민관)[8] were planned to be elected. The vote were held from October 16th to 23th, except the vote for administrators due to the disclosing of vote records.

On October 26th, the result was reported. From November 5th, the routine operator team succeded the role of temporary operator, youstink, PhysicalMousn and Caeboo(though he elected as the first routine administrator).

During the election, the adminstrator candidate korea was blocked permanantly due to his vandals[9]. After the election, the elected candidate Freeman was lost his position and blocked permanantly due to intervention by his sockpuppets[10]. Barakumi, the successing administrator candidate after Freeman, resigned on the next day after the succession due to impeaching. Consequently, Rainy, the succeccing candidate after barakumi, elected as adminstrator. [11]

Consequently, Caeboo, Haze, Rainy was elected as administrators; iron, Orbit, VimytheCanadian, gangseo94 and Exion was elected as moderators; syndrome, Ehddiehddi and Envious was elected as tribunes. They became routine operators after the succession of authorities.

However, after just 8 days later, Orbit, one of ex-moderator, was blocked permanently because of riot of Orbit in Namuwiki(나무위키 Orbit의 난), the crisis that EVERY OPERATOR was blocked by Orbit and the emptyness of regulation occured temporarily. Afther the riot of Orbit, the moderator iron and VimytheCanadian were impeached due to tardyness of their position.

On December 21th, it is revealed that the remaining operators abused IRC chat room as means of private friendship for talking behind users' back and manipulating public opinions. As a result, all the members were lost their positions and blocked permanently except "syndrome" the tribune, who did not join the IRC chat and the first routine operator team was dispersed with a serious crisis.

The second routine operator election and the second routine operator seasonope[편집 | 원본 편집]

The second routine operator election had begun on December 24th, 2015 after the Crisis of Namuwiki due to private friendship among operators through IRC. Because of this Crisis of Namuwiki, the schedule for the second election was changed earlier from April 2016, which would be corresponding to the six month period of routine operators.[12]

The schedule for the second election started from December 24th, 2015. After three days, the complete schedule for the election was confirmed and announced. [13] Due to the Crisis, many users paid more attention to the election and many candidates were applied in the election. Meanwhile, the aboundance of candidates might hinder the proper examination of the candidates.

  • Administrater (3 seats): 45 applied[14], 17 abdicated before preparatory election, 1 of 8 candidate abdicated before final election [15]
  • Moderator (2 seats): 15 applied[16], 4 abdicated before preparatory election, 1 of 6 candidate abdicated before final election[17]
    • Because of resign of "twotwo2019", a temporary sysop between the first and the second routine operators, 모집하는 중재자가 원래는 1명이었으나 중재자 보궐 선거에서 중재자직으로 뽑힌 이후 임시 운영자가 된 twotwo2019가 1월 31일 사퇴 예정이라고 한다. 그래서 2명으로 증원[18]
  • 호민관 (3 seats): 36 applied[19], 12 abdicated before preparatory election, 1 abdicated before final election[20], 1 lost candidate position before final election[21]
    • Because of resignment of "syndrome", the ex-tribune before the Crisis, one more candidate were became a tribune along two initially recruited tribunes.[22]

During January 15 noon to Jaunary 18 noon on Korean Standard Time, preparatory election progressed. After the announcement of the result of election, the final candidate discusdion was held. The final election was between January 26 to January 29.

After voting progress was done, the newly elected candidates were announced. As they promised before, two temporary operator "twotwo2019" and "syndrome" resigned their positions. However, syndrome held the right for checkuser. Here is the list of elected candidates:

  • Administrater: youstink[23], sleepingcat, hatsan
  • Moderator: QED[24], admin[25], kancolle, Maybelline, likeingsky, subsa[26]
  • 호민관: ShiningDay, Chii, Closers_ranger[27]

On Feb. 14 of 2016, tribune Chii resigned owing to the conflict about absolving blocked users by the quantity of contribution and his insincere attitude on participating discussions about it. [28] 10 days later, tribune ShiningDay resigned his position [29] Seongnamcitybua planned to be succeded the resigned tribune Chii's position followed by regulation of Namuwiki. However s/he was accused of his/her tweet of Twitter and left his position before he got his position on Feb. 24.[30] The remaining two position of tribune was offset by suppliment election on April 2016.

From April 24th, debates about commercialization of Namuwiki were raised. At that time, "namu" had not informed incomes and expenses of Namuwiki accounts for three months, so some of users claimed that "namu" had taken some money from the profit of advertisement. (The creative common license for Namuwiki is CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 Korea, so the information should not be used for persuing private profit.) Actually there was no way to oversee the financial flow of Namuwiki transparently because Namuwiki itself was not under the laws. This caused some users to quit using Namuwiki. About ten daya later, namu took over his ownership to Umanle S.R.L. located in Paraguay. Some operators protested against the decision without discussing the shift of ownership of wiki and resigned their positions. Two administrators, three moderators were resigned, and the tribune admin002 was permanently blocked after his resignation because it turned out to be a sockpuppet of formerly blocked administrator's account.

The supplimentary election was held from May 19, and two administrators, three moderators and one tribune were elected and started their work from June 9th.

Problems[편집 | 원본 편집]

-> Translation :

- Describe it later.

Namuwiki succeded the database and regulations of Rigveda Wiki and attracted almost all of users of that wiki, so it also shares the problems with Rigveda wiki. Some problems of Rigveda Wiki might be lessend such as the dictation of wiki operators or limitation of creating articles. On the other hand, some problmes are worsen, such as the overaboundance of harsh expressions and desperating debate on discussion pages. Moreover, some problems are exclusively seen in Namuwiki because of conflicts between Rigveda Wiki, abolition of article bans about political figures, adult staffs or stubs. Someone may think that the problems of Rigveda Wiki is worsen in Namuwiki

Troubles and Accidents[편집 | 원본 편집]

Translations :

Namuwiki was born because of the Crisis of Rigveda Wiki by Privitazation of Manager and it is a forked wiki, so it has a hazard to be accused by infringement of database ownership. In addition, there are many users in Namuwiki and they tend to describe their viewpoints and ideas using a lot of debates even stronger than Rigveda Wiki, not only than Korean Wikipedia and Libre Wiki. Due to these, many troubles and accidents occurs continually.

기타[편집 | 원본 편집]

다른 위키와 나무위키[편집 | 원본 편집]

리브레 위키

2015년에 벌어진 리그베다 위키 사유화 사태를 창립 계기로 삼는다는 점에서 리브레 위키와 출발점을 같이 하기 때문에 양쪽 편집자들 사이에 미묘한 라이벌 의식이 존재하고, 간혹 양쪽 위키에 분쟁을 유도하는 듯한 편집이 기재되기도 한다. 하지만 리브레 위키와 나무위키가 충돌해 봤자 이득은 없다. 나무위키는 나무위키, 리브레위키는 리브레위키지 괜히 서로 감정 부추겨 긁어 부스럼 만들 일은 없다. 예전부터 커뮤니티 사이트끼리 충돌해서 좋았던 적이 없는 만큼, 평화를 사랑한다면 논란이 될 행동은 삼가도록 하자. 차라리 정치조직끼리 싸우는 거라면 모를까 인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트끼리 전쟁이니 뭐니 하면서 싸우는 것은 외부인들, 일반인들이 보면 그저 비웃을 대상일 뿐이다.
한편 리브레와 나무는 '형제'라고 보는 시각도 있는 반면, 오히려 '이웃'에 가깝다고 보는 시각도 있다. 물론 공식적으로 결정된 건 없으니 너무 진지해지지는 말도록 하자.


리그베다 위키 사유화 사태 이전의 리그베다 위키-위키백과간 관계와는 비슷하면서도 다른 점이 있다. 기본적으로 한국어 위키위키 중 1, 2위를 양분하는 위키이고, 위키백과는 객관적인 정보 위주, 나무위키는 엔하계 위키답게 서브컬쳐 중심의 정보를 서술한 위키이기 때문이다. 다만 두 위키 사이의 CCL이 호환되지 않기[31]에 서로 정보를 가져다 쓸 수 없다.
다만 리그베다 위키의 전성기 시절과 비교했을 때 두 위키간의 교류가 상대적으로 뜸해진 면이 있으며, 결정적으로 사유화 사태의 1차적인 원인이 영어 위키백과의 문서를 불펌한 것에서 비롯되었기에 저작권 침해와 관련해서 나무위키 유저들이 의도적으로 거리를 두는 경향도 있다. 실제로 나무위키:나무위키 출처 프로젝트의 상당수 대상 문서가 위키백과 불펌과 관련이 있다. 위키백과 쪽에서도 상대적으로 유저간의 교류가 뜸해졌다는 증거로 위키백과에서 2015년 5월에 나무위키 문서가 삭제 토론을 거쳐 삭제되었다가 7월에 나무위키 문서가 재작성된 것을 보면 알 수 있다.

리그베다 위키

리그베다 위키-나무위키 갈등 문서를 보면 알겠지만 상당히 갈등이 많은 관계이다. 나무위키 쪽이 리그베다 발 난민이 많이 정착한 곳이라 리그베다 위키에 상당히 부정적인 시각을 가진 유저가 많으며, 리그베다 위키 쪽에서도 유저를 빼앗긴데다가 자신의 데이터를 가져다가 쓰는 위키인 만큼 상당히 시선이 곱지 않다.


디시위키 쪽에서 나무위키를 일방적으로 싫어하는 관계이다. 디시위키가 자기 자신까지도 까는 모두까기 성향이 있기는 하지만 나무위키에 대해서는 나무위키식 유머라는 틀까지 만들 정도로 확연한 반감을 드러내고 있다. 디시위키의 나무위키에 대한 설명을 담은 문서 디시위키:나무위키를 확인하면 디시위키 유저들이 나무위키를 얼마나 싫어하는지 알 수 있다. 물론 일부 유저는 츤데레성으로 까는 유저도 있지만... 다만 나무위키 쪽에서는 디시위키를 "이상한 유머위키" 정도로만 보고 크게 신경쓰지 않는다. 한때 나무위키의 디시위키 문서에서 이런저런 논란이 있었던 적이 있으나 지금은 그닥...


둘 다 리그베다 위키의 데이터를 포크한 위키이기는 하나 오리위키 인지도도 활동빈도도 낮고 그닥 공격성향을 드러내는 위키도 아니라 두 유저층간의 접접은 보이지 않는다. 오리위키는 '문서 갱신 요청'을 받은 문서에 나무위키의 데이터도 포크하고 있으며, 나무위키에서는 나무위키:포크 누락 문서를 복원하기 위한 용도로 오리위키의 문서 역사를 참조하는 경우가 있다.

나무위키의 접속 속도[편집 | 원본 편집]

왼쪽부터 리브레 위키, 백괴사전, 구스위키, 한국어 위키백과, 나무위키, 누리위키

누리위키 안습... 여담으로 해외에 서버가 있음에도 불구하고 국내 서버인 리브레 위키, 구스위키, 누리위키, 백괴사전과 해외 서버인 한국어 위키백과보다 빠르다(…). 그래서 해외에 서버가 있다는 게 뻥이라는 썰이 있으나, 이건 CloudFlare를 사용하고 있기 때문이라고 나무위키에서 밝히고 있다. 나무위키 운영진 측은 현재 나무위키용으로 일본, 유럽, 미국 의 서버를 확보했으나 일본과 미국의 서버를 사용중이며, 국내 접속은 상호간에 해저 광케이블까지 깔려 있는 일본 서버로 주로 접속하게 된다고 한다. 도메인 정보를 근거로 서버가 파나마에 있다고 하기도 하지만, 도메인 등록 지역과 서버 위치는 전혀 관계가 없다. 게다가 WhoisGuard가 적용되어 더욱 신뢰할 수 없다. 해외에 서버를 둔 것은 리그베다 위키와 벌일 법적 분쟁에 유리한 위치를 얻으려는 것으로 보이며, 이는 관리자들의 은둔형 관리와 겹쳐지면 법적 분쟁 시 리그베다 위키 측에 불리하게 작용할 것으로 보인다.

2015년 4월 16일에 개설된 리브레 위키보다는 하루 어리다.

나무위키의 미러 사이트[편집 | 원본 편집]

나무위키의 미러 사이트는 세 군데나 존재한다. 나무위키 미러, 무나키위, 나무모에 미러. 이중에서 나무위키 미러와 나무모에 미러의 기본 스킨은 오픈소스인 엔하위키 미러를 기반으로 만들었기 때문에 엔하위키 미러의 향수를 느낄 수 있는 디자인이다.

그러나 2016년 4월 16일 기준, 무나키위는 서비스 종료되었고, 나무모에 미러는 나무위키 미러로 리다이렉트 되서 사실상 미러는 나무위키 미러밖에 없다.

운영에 관해[편집 | 원본 편집]

전 운영자 namu가 나무위키의 운영진들에 대한 정보를 거의 알리지도 않고 워낙 신비주의적으로 운영을 하는 탓에 위키갤이나 나무위키의 Q&A게시판에서 여러 음모론(?)[32]들이 나왔다. 그와 관련한 유저들이 문의를 넣자 운영진이 직접 자신은 청동과 동일인이 아니며, 나무위키는 특정 집단을 위해 행동하고 있지 않으며 운영진에 대한 정보를 제대로 밝히지 않고 있는 것은 리그베다 위키 측이 행할 광범위한 고소 가능성 때문이라고 해명했다.

umanle이 인수한 이후 이루어진 질의응답에서 umanle은 임원 명단 공개에 대해 "파라과이에서 법인이 설립되면 일간지에 공고가 됩니다. 법인 설립 후 일간지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다."라는 답을 했다.[33] 그리고 공고가 되면 해당 일간지를 복사하여 올리거나 사이트를 알리기로 했다. namu보다 개방적인 운영을 약속하고 있는데, 향후 청동이 고소를 하면 어떻게 대처할지가 궁금해진다.

2015년 4월 27일 나무위키 CCL 라이선스 버전 변경 투표가 이루어졌다. 현재는 리그베다 위키와 동일한 CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 라이선스를 사용하고 있는데, 3.0이나 4.0으로 버전을 올리기로 결정이 날 경우, 이전 버전 라이선스를 사용하는 위키들은 나무위키에서 내용을 가져갈 수 없게 된다. 즉 나무위키는 리그베다 위키(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)의 문서를 가져갈 수 있지만 리그베다 위키는 나무위키의 문서를 가져갈 수 없다는 말.[34] 그런데 이 투표가 중복 투표가 가능하다는 사실이 밝혀져 무효인 게 아니냐는 의견이 있었고, 결국 28일 투표는 종료되었으며 결과 공표는 아직 없다.

CloudFlare Free Plan이 서비스하는 SSL 서비스가 윈도우 XP를 지원하지 않기 때문에 윈도우 XP에서는 접속할 수 없었으나, 현재는 월20달러인 프로 플랜으로 바뀌어서 XP에서도 접속 가능하다.[35]

같이 보기[편집 | 원본 편집]

바깥 고리[편집 | 원본 편집]


  1. Assumed name. S.R.L.(Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada) means Limited Liability Company(L.L.C.) in Spanish.)
  2. 나무위키 소유권 이전에 대한 공지(Notice for shift in onwership of Namuwiki), Namuwiki Noticeboard, 2016.05.08.
  3. 2015년 올해의 검색어(Word of the year in 2015), Google Trend, Attributed on 2015.12.20.
  4. meaning man who cannot excrete sperms
  5. (Closed) (공지) '나무위키 비공식 슬로건' 설문조사 안내 나무위키 공지사항, 2015.05.12.
  6. Regulating vandals, restoring deformed articles, and managing wiki boards
  7. meditating discussions of wiki. In Namuwiki, discussion is a big role for determining the writing style of document.
  8. impeaching other operators with violating the regulations and changing the block period of blocked users
  9. korea유저의 유니폴리 문서 무단 삭제, 나무위키 게시판 (신고게시판), 2015.10.23.
  10. 다중계정 검사 요청합니다., 나무위키 게시판 (문의게시판), 2015.10.29.
  11. [공지] Rainy님의 특별당선 ㅅ안내와 인수인계 관련, 나무위키 게시판 (공지사항), 2015.11.07.
  12. 추후 운영에 관한 내용, Namuwiki (Temporary Notice), 2015.12.21.
  13. 나무위키:공개 운영회의, 나무위키, 2015.12.27. 확인
  14. 나무위키: 관리자 지원, Namuwiki, 2016.01.06. Assigned
  15. 나무위키:관리자 후보 사퇴용 스레, Namuwiki, 2016.01.29. Retrieved
  16. 나무위키: 중재자 지원, 나무위키, 2016.01.06. Retrieved
  17. 나무위키: 중재자 후보 사퇴용 스레, 나무위키, 2016.01.21. Retrived
  18. 한가지 드릴 말씀이 있습니다., 나무위키:임시 공지사항, 2016.01.05
  19. 나무위키: 호민관 지원, 나무위키, 2016.01.06. Retrived
  20. 나무위키:호민관 후보 사퇴용 스레, 나무위키, 2016.01.29. Retrived
  21. This candidate denounced "kancolle" the moderator because of his tardyness of his work but be blocked by him by the reason of interruption on wiki management. In fact, "kancolle" was the busiest operator among the temporary operators at that time.
  22. 이번 임시운영진을 끝으로 운영직을 내려놓습니다, 나무위키:임시 공지사항, 2016.01.11.
  23. He was a temporary admin before the first routine operator season.
  24. He was elected but resigned before he got the right. QED입니다. 중재자 후보에서 사퇴하겠습니다., 나무위키:임시 문의 게시판
  25. Initially he was requested to change his ID by "syndrome" to prevent confusion, but later became a moderator without changing his ID.
  26. He succeded the position of resigned candidator QED as followers of voting result.
  27. He wrote his nickname as Closers_Langer. in his candidate question thread.
  28. 사퇴합니다., 나무위키:공지사항
  29. 호민관 사퇴하겠습니다., 나무위키:공지사항
  30. Seongnamcitybua 신고합니다, 나무위키:신고 게시판
  31. 위키백과: CCL-BY-SA 3.0, 나무위키 : CCL-BY-NC-SA 2.0. SA(동일조건 변경허락) 라이센스 때문에 나무위키 → 위키백과 뿐 아니라 그 반대인 위키백과 → 나무위키로 정보이동도 불가능하다.
  32. 그 음모론 중에선 나무위키 운영자와 리그베다 위키 운영자 청동과 동일인물 설과 나무위키를 국정원이 운영하고 있다는 설 등이 있었다.
  33. '나무위키의 새 소유주' umanle라는 사람/단체에게 묻습니다. 40번째 스레드
  34. 참고로 나무위키와 리브레 위키 간 문서 복제도 CCL이 다르기 때문에 불가능하다. 리브레 위키는 CC BY-SA인 데 반해, 나무위키는 CC BY-NC-SA이기 때문에 비영리 이용(NC)에 부합하지 않기 때문.
  35. 틀:날짜/출력에 확인. 언제부터인지 정확히 아시는 분은 추가바람
  36. 나무위키의 설립자인 namu가 러브라이버라는 것이 위키러들 사이에 알게 모르게 퍼져 있다. 심지어 나무위키의 쿠키를 까보면 변수 이름이 lovelive인 쿠키가 있다. 또한 사실상 유령이지만 나무위키 트위터의 프로필도 미나미 코토리이기도 하다. 결정적으로 namu의 사용자 문서가...
  37. 개발자인 PPPP가 프로듀서라는 소문이 존재한다. 실제로, 소스를 뜯어보면 레이아웃 곳곳에 senkawa라는 문구를 볼 수 있다. 이런 거라든지...
